TechHTC U11 Durability Test Fail: You Might Want A Sturdy Protective Case [Video] The HTC U11 went through JerryRigEverything's scratch, burn, and bend test, but it didn't go so well. Owners might want to invest in a solid protective case to keep the smartphone safe and Alexandra Burlacu
TechHTC U Ultra Tortured In Scratch, Bend, And Burn Durability Test: How Tough Is It? [Video]by Alexandra Burlacu
TechMoto Z, World's Thinnest Smartphone, Gets Brutal Bend And Torture Test: Did It Survive? [Video]by Horia Ungureanu
TechNexus 6P Reportedly Fails Durability And Bend Test, But Claims Are Misleading: Here's The Deal [Video]by Alexandra Burlacu
TechSamsung Slams SquareTrade's Galaxy S6 Edge 'Bendgate' Report, Posts Own Bend Test Results And Demands Re-Testby Christian de Looper