TechVerizon Outbids AT&T To Buy Straight Path For More Than $3B: 5G Race Heating Up AT&T announced back in April that it entered an agreement to acquire Straight Path, but that's no longer the case. Verizon outbid AT&T and snapped the company, getting a notable edge in the 5G Alexandra Burlacu
TechAT&T Offers $200 Trade-In Credit For Samsung Galaxy S8 Or Galaxy S8 Plus Purchase But It's A Limited-Time Dealby Alexandra Burlacu
TechT-Mobile Aims To Launch 5G Network Across The US By 2020, Emphasizes It's Not Fake 5Gby Carl Velasco
TechT-Mobile Bids $8 Billion At FCC Airwaves Auction: Un-Carrier Now In Position To Topple AT&T, Verizonby Aaron Mamiit
TechAT&T And Verizon Pull Ads Off YouTube Over Videos Promoting Terrorism And Hateby Alexandra Burlacu