TechApple Says Artificial Intelligence Is Not The 'Final Frontier,' But iOS Has Plenty Of 'Hidden' AI Apple unveiled that it does make quite good use of AI in its mobile operating system, despite rumors in the industry saying otherwise. The company detailed some machine learning capabilities that are making iOS such a powerful Horia Ungureanu
TechFuture Of Apple: Tim Cook Talks About Artificial Intelligence And Augmented Realityby Rachel Ranosa
TechApple Spends $200M To Acquire Seattle-Based Turi, Boosts Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence Capabilitiesby Aaron Mamiit
TechDisney And Google Alums Encourage Kids To Become The Next Walt Disney With This Magical Mixed Reality iPad Drawing App: Interviewby Lauren Keating
ScienceAnki's AI-Powered Robot Cozmo Will Come With Substantial SDK And Easy-To-Understand Lines Of Codeby Santiago Tiongco
TechRaspberry Pi Top Gun Style: AI Triumphs Over US Air Force Pilot In Dogfight Simulationby Santiago Tiongco