TechLucasfilm's 'The Mandalorian' | DeepFake: What Is It And How Does It Work? DeepFake technology has been around for a few years now, and it's pretty amazing, all things considered. But how does it work, exactly?by RJ Pierce
ScienceArtificial Intelligence Chatbot Attempts to Mimic a Man’s Deceased Fiancee—But Creators Say it's Dangerousby Teejay Boris
HealthLOOK: NoteAid AI Project Can Help Increase Medical Literacy of Patients, Provide Explanation to Jargon and Termsby Isaiah Richard
HealthVortex Fluidic Device Can Manipulate Milk Protein; AlphaFold AI Can Predict Protein Structuresby Joseph Henry
ScienceArtificial Intelligence Breakthrough Could Lead to CURES for the Deadliest Illnessesby RJ Pierce
TechAI Voice Generation Used for New Anthony Bourdain Documentary, Is This Deepfake?by Isaiah Richard
TechDiscord Acquires Company Known for Anti-Harassment Artificial Intelligence Softwareby Isabella James
ScienceAI, Nanotechnology May Help Solve World Hunger via 'Precision Agriculture,' Thanks to Researchby Isaiah Richard
TechWorld AI Conference: China Boasts Artificial Intelligence Prowess in Healthcare Fieldby Joseph Henry
Tech[LISTEN] AI Voice Actors Keep On Sounding More 'Human;' Are They Going to Replace People?by RJ Pierce