TechiPhone 'batterygate' Settlement: Apple Pays $113M for Slowing Down Devices with Battery Health—Arizona Gets $5M Alone! Apple recently faced another scandal that now urges it to pay a massive $113M for slowing down old iPhones!by Isaiah Alonzo
TechApple M1 Chip MacBook Air Vs. Pro: Which One Can Play 'League of Legends', DOTA, Other Games ALL Day?by Giuliano J. de Leon
TechApple Silicon Macs Will Receive Special Google Chrome Version Download Updates to Optimize on New M1 Chips!by Isaiah Alonzo
TechSamsung Silicon Chip? $116B Budget Aims to Create New Semiconductor Processor by 2022 Against TSMCl!by Isaiah Alonzo
TechApple 'M1' Benchmark Comparison vs. AMD, Nvidia: Who Will Win for Graphics?—Future of Mac Gaming!by Isaiah Alonzo
TechApple's macOS Big Sur is Customizable Like iOS! Here's How to Change Control Center, Widgets, and MORE!by Isaiah Alonzo
TechApple iOS 14.3 Beta Now Releases for Developers: ProRAW Image, AirTags, and MORE—Here's How to Downloadby Isaiah Alonzo
Tech[Confirmed] Apple Officially Joining Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions Working to Build 6G Technologyby Urian B.