ScienceAncient Wildebeest Rusingoryx Sported Duck-Billed Dinosaur Nasal Structure Duck-billed dinosaurs and ancient wildebeest lived millions of years apart, but scientists said they do have one thing in common. These creatures both have trumpet-like nasal passages that extend to the top their Alyssa Navarro
Healthy Living/WellnessScientists Create Human-Animal Hybrids To Address Shortage Of Hearts, Livers And Lungs For Organ Transplantby Alyssa Navarro
Healthy Living/WellnessNew Strain Of Contagious Cancer Found In Australia's Tasmanian Devilsby Alyssa Navarro
British Couple Welcome Birth Of Puppy 'Chance' -- Cloned From The Tissue Of Their Dead Dogby Jan Dizon
ScienceProtein Compass May Explain How Animals Detect Magnetic Fields And Find Their Way Homeby Katrina Pascual