TechBe A Bug Bounty Hunter: Google Is Offering Up To $200,000 For Android Exploits Despite its strengths, Android has several security flaws that Google seeks to address. In order to do so, the company increased the payout on their bug bounty Eric Brackett
TechOnePlus 3, OnePlus 3T Confirmed To Get Android O; OnePlus 2 Won't Receive Android Nougat Updateby Vincent Lanaria
TechApple Really Wants You To 'Switch To iPhone' From Android, Uploads 3 New Ads [Video]by Carl Velasco
TechJudy Malware Infects Up To 36.5 Million Android Devices: Here Are Some Tips To Stay Safe Onlineby Carl Velasco
TechNew 'Cloak & Dagger' Android Exploit Discovered: Here's What The Attack Does And How To Protect Yourselfby Aaron Mamiit
TechNo, Android Go Isn't A New Android Version: Google Clarifies It's Just A Configurationby Carl Velasco
TechNew Google Play Services Feature Will Allow You To Pause Updates: How Will This Benefit Android O Users?by Aaron Mamiit
TechGoogle I/O 2017 Biggest Takeaways: Android O, Android Go, Daydream VR, Assistant, Photos, And Homeby Vincent Lanaria
TechSay Goodbye To Those Weird Android Emoji Blobs: Google Will Introduce Redesigned Emojis In Android Oby Aaron Mamiit