TechSpotify Hardware In The Works? Job Posting Reveals Ambition To Create Wearables, Smart Home Devices A job listing revealed that Spotify is thinking about getting into the hardware business. The device that the music streaming service is planning is apparently inspired by the Snap Spectacles, the Amazon Echo, and the Pebble Aaron Mamiit
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TechAmazon Makes Its Echo Far-Field Voice Recognition Technology Available To Third-Party Developers, But Why?by Carl Velasco
TechMarriott Hotel Deciding Between Amazon’s Alexa And Apple’s Siri As Digital Assistants For Its Hotel Roomsby Carl Velasco
TechOrder It And It Will Come: Amazon Alexa Now Supports Prime Now 2-Hour Delivery Serviceby Carl Velasco
TechAmazon Echo Update Adds New Audio Streaming Options: How To Pair Amazon Echo With Bluetooth Speakersby Alexandra Burlacu