TechAmazon Alexa Service Now Resumed After Two-Hour Downtime Amazon told Tech Radar that the Alexa service was restored after going offline for two hours. After going offline for about two hours, Amazon Alexa is now reportedly operating normally, according to the Joseph Henry
TechAlexa Tells Children to Play With Electrical Outlets? Amazon Releases an Update to Fix the Alarming Issueby Griffin Davis
TechAmazon Web Services Down: Is the Retailer Already Fixing the Outage? Disney Plus, Alexa, and More are Affectedby Griffin Davis
TechAmazon's 'Alexa' Learns to be Patient with New Feature Allowing Users to Take Longer Asking Questionsby Urian B.
HealthAmazon Launches Alexa Together to Help Caregivers Remotely Monitor Aging Patientsby Isabella James