TechMental Health Organization Uses Google's AI to Create 'New' Kurt Cobain Nirvana Song A mental health organization known as Over the Bridge used an AI program in order to create a "new" Kurt Cobain Nirvana Urian B.
TechSnapchat Spectacles to Support Lens AR Effects— App Admits Planning to Evade Apple's New Privacy Rulesby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechGoogle Imposes Strict New Rule as it Limits the Apps that Can See What's Installed in an Android Deviceby Sieeka Khan
TechMicrosoft Azure, Xbox Live Server Down: Issues Point to DNS—Another April Fools' Joke?by Isaiah Alonzo
TechPopular Livestreaming Service Periscope Gets Shut Down by Twitter After 6 Years Due to Low User Countby Sieeka Khan
TechGPT-3 AI Writer Generates Pick Up Lines, Ends Up Making Hilariously Awful Flirting Masterpiecesby Lee Mercado
TechGoogle Cancels 'April Fool's Day' 2021 Over World's Suffering: List of Worst Countries in Pandemicby Urian B.
TechGoogle Maps New AI Shows Eco-Friendly Routes With Same ETA Time as the Fastest Pathby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechSpotify Mixes Feature Lets Spotify Choose the Playlist Based on Your Favorite Artist and Genreby Sieeka Khan
TechGoogle Meets to Extend Free 24 Hour Calls Until June 30 Followed by Monthly G Suite Subscriptionsby Sieeka Khan