Asteroid mining can provide precious fuel, water and minerals such as iron, nickel and titanium to scientists during space exploration, suggest NASA and two private firms. Proponents are optimistic that they will be able to make asteroid mining a reality in the near future.
October 2014 was the warmest October since 1880. The year 2014 is on track to be the warmest year since temperature recording started.
Scientists are perplexed about a mysterious object and it is unclear if the object is a supernova or a black hole. Experts believe that the object could be the aftermath of a collision between two galaxies.
A window washer survives a deadly fall from a 11-story building. He falls on a moving car and remains conscious after suffering a broken arm and serious injuries.
Birthday years of 29, 39, 49 and so on makes people make significant decisions regarding their life. Suicide rate of people with birthday ending with 9 is higher than people whose birthday year end with other digits.
Increased farming gives us food but is also responsible for the increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Food production is estimated to double on the Earth in the next 50 years.
About 30 percent of the global population is obese, which costs more than $2 trillion. Global obesity spending is just next to smoking and war or terrorism that costs the world more than $2.1 trillion each year.
The delayed release of Assassin's Creed Unity hurt GameStop's Q3 2014 financial results. The release of the game was initially set on Oct. 28 but was postponed to Nov. 11 in North America.
Police have arrested the parolee suspect who pushed a man to death at a New York City subway. The victim died on the spot as his wife watched on.
Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic successfully performed a near-total face transplant that lasted for 24.5 hours. Doctors were also able to preserve limited vision in one eye of the patient.
Doctors have successfully removed a football-sized tumor from an 11-year-old boy after a 12-hour surgery. The boy will have to undergo further reconstructive surgery and the removal of excess skin.
Indian officials report the first Ebola case in the country. A passenger landed in the New Delhi Airport and his semen analysis tested positive for the deadly virus.
Consumption of trans fat can damage the memory of a person. Health advocates call for the reduction or removal of trans fat from processed food items.
Scientists are debating over the question if the woolly mammoth should be brought back to life. Scientists discovered well-preserved remains that increased hopes the extinct animal can be cloned.
Asia Lemmon, a former porn actress and a resident of Utah, gets her driver's license photo taken with a colander on her head. She wanted to express her religious belief about the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Extended use of anti-clotting drugs with antiplatelet therapy increases the risk of dementia. A combination therapy like this should be closely monitored and controlled.
Extended dual anti-platelet therapy (DAPT) can reduce risks of in-stent thrombosis and myocardial infarction. The treatment followed by stent placement is usually between 6 and 12 months.
Secondhand smoke from marijuana is as bad as secondhand cigarette smoke. It can damage blood vessels and heart.
Children may face adverse health effects such as seizures and heart problems after energy drinks consumption. Some of the energy drinks can include up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per can or bottle.
A preliminary study suggests that chemicals in sunscreens may cause infertility in men. Women, however, face a lower risk.
Regular walnut consumption may reduce the risk of prostate cancer, increase insulin sensitivity, and reduce cholesterol levels. Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer in men.
Aggressive behavior of male chimpanzees are linked with mating success. Violent chimpanzees who attack females consistently are more likely to father offspring when compared to lesser violent counterparts.
The Leonid meteor shower will peak on Nov. 17 and 18. A waning-crescent moon will provide a dark sky, which will make viewing conditions ideal.
Researchers analyze suicide risk of U.S. soldiers. U.S. soldiers are at higher risk of committing suicides following post discharge from psychiatric diagnosis.
Firefighters are at higher risks of sleep disorders, which can lead to health and safety consequences. Sleep disorders often go undiagnosed or untreated in a major chunk of firefighters.
About a million eye infection cases are reported each year in the U.S. due to dirty contact lenses. Wearing contacts and not taking proper care poses the biggest risk of an eye infection called keratitis.
Russian scientists explore the giant crater in northern Siberia that was found in July this year. The cause of the big sinkhole still remains a mystery.
In a lab, scientists have turned peanut butter into diamonds. Peanut butter, of course, is rich in carbon.
A gene in mosquitoes attracts them to bite humans. Thousands of years ago, mosquitoes preferred furry and hairy animals to humans.
Scientists discover a virus called chlorovirus ATCV-1, which can impair brain function in humans. It is unclear how the virus is transmitted to humans.