The story of 'Dark Souls' has always been wrapped in mystery...and, judging from the opening cinematic, From Software's upcoming 'Dark Souls III' will continue that tradition.
Usually, patches and updates are a good thing. For 'Rainbow Six Siege,' however, the latest patch actually introduces a number of game-breaking bugs.
The first season of 'Fear the Walking Dead' managed to capitalize on another side of the original series' zombie apocalypse — and if the teasers are any indication, AMC is hoping to do it again.
Virtual reality has come a long way since the Oculus Rift Kickstarter — instead of just playing games in VR, Unreal is hoping that developers will start building games in VR as well.
Can a $25 purchase really be called 'micro'? 343 Industries has just announced a new REQ pack for 'Halo 5' that costs more than some entire games...
'Fallout 4' is a great game on its own...but who's to say it couldn't be better? With these ten mods, we guarantee the Commonwealth will look like an entirely new wasteland...
Microsoft's Xbox One lineup wasn't all that great in 2015 — but the publisher really, really wants you to get excited about this year's lineup.
'Star Wars: Battlefront' was a nightmare for new players back when it launched, but thanks to a recent update, EA and DICE's latest is finally worth playing again.
It makes sense that EA would want a video game tie-in for Christopher Nolan's 'The Dark Knight' ... so, why did it never materialize? Well, there's a long, complicated answer.
'Super Mario Maker' rewards creativity in a way that few games can claim to ... and now, thanks to Nintendo, you can use that same creativity on your desktop wallpaper.
Crowdfunding has proven to be a double-edged sword, and nowhere is that analogy more obvious than with the reportedly canceled 'Ant Simulator'.
Fans have been begging for voice acting in Nintendo's 'Legend of Zelda' franchise for years now — but it doesn't look like the publisher is going to give in anytime soon.
Trademarking common words isn't exactly new in entertainment, but EA's claim of the word 'ghost' seems a bit extreme. Then again, so does Ubisoft's rebuttal....
There's nothing about 'The Division' that's quite as intriguing as its 'Dark Zone' multiplayer mode...but after spending a few hours in it, there are a few notable drawbacks.
For the first time ever, fans are getting hands-on time with 'The Division.' For anyone who didn't make it into the closed beta, we've got the next-best thing: the first 30 minutes of the game.
'Fallout: New Vegas' was always built as a solo experience ... but you can never underestimate the fans, as a few intrepid modders have added in multiplayer functionality.
Seeing as Square Enix is one of the most prolific developers to ever work on PlayStation hardware, the PSN's latest sale is a great chance for fans to catch up on the studio's previous works.
EA and DICE have made no secret that 'Star Wars: Battlefront' was built on DLC - and, for the first time since launch, fans finally have an idea of what that will entail.
Microsoft made some major waves when it announced its backwards compatibility program — and we've got the list of every Xbox 360 game available on Xbox One!
It's not everyday that a game gets leaked as many times as 'TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan'...and it's even rarer to see the developers 'leak it' themselves.
The first wave of 'Call of Duty: Black Ops III' DLC is almost here, and Activision is teasing fans with a return to one of the series' most revered multiplayer maps ever.
Halo's 'Forge' mode has always resulted in some impressive maps, but was anyone expecting Princess Peach's castle or the Battle of Hoth to make an appearance?
With 'The X-Files' set to return later this month, it's no surprise that everyone is binge-watching the original show...but who remembers the series' foray into video games?
After years and years of waiting, 'The Division' is almost here ... and fans still don't know all that much about it. Never fear: we've collected everything we know about Ubisoft's upcoming shooter/RPG hybrid.
Ahead of its release in early March, Ubisoft has finally detailed the PC specs and recommended hardware for its open-world RPG/shooter hybrid 'The Division.'
Never underestimate the dedication of 'Minecraft' players: a group of fans has recreated the entirety of 'Grand Theft Auto V's Los Santos in blocky form.
'Halo 5: Guardians' stampede of free multiplayer DLC continues with the 'Infinity's Armory' pack - expect to see new weapons, maps and skins hit the game sometime next week.
Now that everyone's seen 'The Force Awakens' in theaters, it's time to wait for the Blu-Ray release - why not kill some time with a few classic 'Star Wars' PS2 games?
It's starting to seem like Umbrella just wanted to make bigger versions of everyday animals - it's time for the third boss fight of 'Resident Evil 0': the Church Bat!
'Mortal Kombat X' has grown quite a bit over the past few months - and, for anyone who missed out on the game the first time around, NetherRealm Studios has something just for you.