3D printing helped save the life of a newborn who was found to have a facial lump that could prevent him from breathing after birth. Doctors were able to have a model that presents the actual location and severity of the lump allowing them to make the best delivery decision.
U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer warned parents against buying Halloween makeup made in China. The senator said that seeing cosmetic products on shelves does not necessarily mean these are safe.
Experts found that moose populations continue to plummet in North America. The reasons for the decline are said to be diseases, predators and climate change.
Experts found that the risk of developing schizophrenia may be determined by studying the brain's immune system cells. The researchers hope that their research could open up doors to better preventive management and treatment of the debilitating disease.
A renovation team has discovered the chemical lab designed by Thomas Jefferson at the University of Virginia Rotunda. Members of the university’s architectural staff said they would like to preserve the hearth in such a way that evidence of its early use can still be seen.
An infant had died after sufferring from suffocation while sleeping with both parents and a sibling in the same bed. A UK coroner had warned parents against this sleeping practice, saying it could indeed increase the risk of death among young children.
New Horizons spacecraft collated data from Pluto flyby, which stunned scientists. Experts discovered young resurfacing and varied geological landforms, driving the experts to describe the dwarf planet as complex and mysterious.
Experts have developed a blood test that can help identify the risk of testicular cancer relapse. Through the approach, low-risk patients may be spared from having to undergo chemotherapy and suffer possible side effects.
Dole had voluntarily recalled their bagged spinach salad after salmonella was detected in one of the samples. Customer service representatives from the company are now contacting retailers to guarantee that the affected products are taken away from the market.
A microscopic image of a honey bee's eye covered in pollen was awarded the top prize in the 2015 Nikon Small World Photomicrography Contest. The photographer hoped that his work will bring people close back to nature.
Researchers predicted that spring may permanently come earlier than usual due to climate change. Specifically, the experts projected that the season may arrive three weeks early by 2100.
Researchers found that several U.S. cities are at risk of becoming submerged in water because of the impact of global warming on the rise and fall of sea levels. Miami and New Orleans are two such cities mentioned in the report.
Apollo space missions were given a fresh new look by a Vimeo user, who created a stunning video out of NASA-released photos. The user said that he was inspired to create the video while browsing through the pictures, which was uploaded under the public domain.
A Chinese company had expressed intentions of building a facility for mass production of Ebola vaccines. The exact date of operation has not been released but the manufacturing facility is expected to be completed by 2017 or 2018.
An infection that is resistant to common antibiotics had struck NY Giants' Daniel Fells. The athlete may be at risk of losing his foot to amputation as the bacteria has possibly already spread to his bones and bloodstream.
Researchers found that a device, typically used by musicians, can help improve CPR quality. In a new study, it was discovered that metronomes can help rescuers maintain the pace of chest compressions and thus boost patient survival rates.
Florida baby with fatal brain tumor survived crucial surgery, after parents were informed of the high risks. The parents were delighted and thankful that their child now has a second chance at life.
In a not so typical report, a former delegate of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change wrote about the unnoticed positive effects of carbon emissions. He said that global warming may benefit not only humanity, but the economy and nature as well.
Sitting down for extended periods has long been associated with increased health problems and death risks. British researchers, however, found that this is not exactly accurate as per the results of a long-term study.
Researchers found that food networks in the marine world may suffer because of climate change. Habitats of sea creatures may also be affected due to acidification.
An island tourist was able to take a video of a great white shark devouring a seal near Alcatraz Island. Onlookers could not help but express surprise and excitement during the attack.
A CCTV camera footage captured peregrine falcon chick hatching in its nest located atop a water tower. Through the FalconCam project, university students and staff were able to capture the wonderful moment.
Sinkholes are strange, almost mythical, land holes that can leave anyone in awe or in fear. Fearing sinkholes is not actually an instinct, but a learned response that can help people increase their guard for potential dangers.
World Bank climate officials said that transitioning from fossil fuels to alternative energies could burst the carbon bubble. With the impact that such shifts may have on carbon-invested industries, financial risks may arise.
Red wine may have heart benefits for patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Experts particularly found that red wine increases good cholesterol, thus removing bad cholesterol from arteries.
Scientists expressed their outrage over the recent killing of a rare bird for research purposes. The researcher involved said the bird's death is not a lost, rather a symbol of hope.
A new study found that average temperatures globally may drop to about 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit or -17 degrees Celsius in 20 years. A researcher discovered that the effects of global warming now may affect ocean currents and completely reverse the condition.
Researchers found that eco-tourism may not always be good for wildlife animals. Although it projects a positive vibe between humans and animals, it could lead small preys to become vulnerable to predators.
Researchers have found that elephants can teach humans a thing or two about cancer. The way the animal's cancer-fighting gene reacts to DNA damage can shed light on potential cancer treatments for humans.
Environmental groups were asked to stop from intervening in the New Jersey-Exxon Mobil Pollution case. The court said the groups had no standing in the lawsuit to begin with.