Hershey's is changing its classic milk chocolate bar for the first time in history. The company is set to incorporate emojis on their treats to represent emotions and foster sharing.
Scientists can win more hearts with Instagram selfies. A new study shows that people perceive seemingly serious scientists as warmer and more deserving of public trust when their social media accounts have their actual photos in it.
SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule exploded in a ground test, making the company's goal of launching astronauts this year more elusive. The company started investigations, but a clear reason behind the failure has not yet been identified.
Scientists found that a new medication may improve social skills of patients with autism. Two new studies showed that targeting vasopressin is a safe and effective way to enhance empathy, communication, and adaptive behaviors for both adult and pediatric patients.
Scientists were able to observe a black hole that fires rapid jets of plasma clouds in different directions. The extraordinary event made the peculiar black hole looked like a spinning top as it warps space nearby.
WHO released a new guideline, saying that children under 2 should not have any screen time. The panel said childhood health is best achieved through physical activity and good sleep.
Scientists were able to detect the first Marsquake via NASA's InSight lander. The recorded tremor was faint but was the kind that scientists have been waiting for for months.
FDA gave the green light to the first medical device designed to treat ADHD. Results of clinical trials showed promise, lowering symptoms of children diagnosed with moderate to severe disorder.
A husband's letter to his wife shed new light on other possible things that might have led to the Titanic disaster. A letter penned by steward Richard Geddes detailed how the ship suffered a near miss before the actual iceberg collision.
Pig brains showed signs of cellular function hours after its owners died. The scientists were surprised, as the experiment challenged the notion that brain death is irreversible.
Scientists found that changes to diet and social structure over time influenced how the human face evolved. The past contributed a lot to how humans look like in modern times.
Tiger Woods showed that he has fully recovered from his crippling back injury with a recent Masters win. His journey was a tough road to tread, with numerous surgeries and painful setbacks along the way.
Scientists found that one can actually train the brain to follow what is merely in the imagination. The study sparked hope for patients with neurological conditions, involving impaired brain connectivity.
A Kansas woman suffered from a distinct type of rash all over her body for 11 months. Little did she know that it was already a rare sign of anal cancer.
Israel failed to make history as the first nation to send a privately funded spacecraft to the moon. The robotic vehicle Beresheet crashed into the lunar surface instead of making a soft landing.
The Food Safety and Inspection Service announced that Meijer recalled more than 43,000 pounds of ground beef. Some customers complained finding hard plastic in the products.
Elephants and lions teamed up to bring justice to their rhino friend. A poacher was found dead in a national park in South Africa, with very little bodily remains, suggesting he was killed and eaten afterward.
Researchers were able to discover a blood-based screen that could potentially lead to non-invasive screening techniques for colon cancer. The discovery showed promise for better patient compliance and prevention of disease overtreatment due to complex diagnostic processes.
Researchers found that drinking alcohol moderately may not be as healthy as previously thought. A large study suggested that alcohol, regardless of amount, may increase stroke and high blood pressure risk.
FDA published a list of drugs that the public can take in place of recalled sartan medications. Amid the issues on impurity-containing products, the agency encouraged patients to still take their blood pressure medications.
Israel succeeded in being the seventh nation to send a space vehicle to orbit the moon. The lunar capture moved the mission one step closer to its ultimate goal of landing on the surface.
A British engineer made Apollo 11 astronauts put a British flag on the moon. The sneaky move was successful and actually had Armstrong and Aldrin inject Britishness to the lunar mission.
FDA proposed to update the allowable levels of fluoride in bottled water. The action was made to ensure that the public gets the benefits of fluoride, without experiencing its adverse effects.
India's satellite missile test generated a pile of junk in space, leaving NASA officials disappointed. NASA said the event places astronauts and ongoing space experiments in the ISS at risk.
Scientists were able to capture the speed of light using the fastest camera in the world. YouTubers collaborated with experts to record light as it travels through a milk bottle in slow motion.
CDC reported more than usual numbers of tick-borne disease in Oregon. Investigators found that there are more cases of CTF in the summer of 2018 than in the previous average numbers per year.
An amateur astronomer was able to take a photo of the International Space Station as it passed by the moon. It took Ken Lawson a simple camera, a manual telescope, and eight years of waiting.
For the first time, astronomers were able to directly observe a planet outside the Milky Way. Experts used an innovative technique involving four telescopes to disentangle the blinding lights from the planet's parent star.
Three dental clinics in Philadelphia may have exposed their patients to HIV and Hepatitis. The dental practices were prohibited from operating after the health department found out that they have unsafe infection control practices.
Engineers made it possible for fish and bees to communicate with each other using a robot translator. The experiment was chaotic in the beginning, but turned out successful in the end.