Drinking one can of Rockstar energy drink can increase norepinephrine levels and blood pressure in young adults. Nine deaths related to energy drinks have so far been reported to the FDA over the past two and a half years.
Satellite imagery revealed an ancient river network buried beneath the dry sands of Sahara the Desert. The river system was so massive it would have been 12th largest river on Earth if it continued to flow today.
Using Doppler Tomography, scientists captured an image of asteroid being torn apart by white dwarf star SDSS1228+1040 forming disk similar to that of Saturn's. The spiral like-structure is likely related to collisions of dust grains.
The Scan Pyramids project used high-tech scanning technologies to look inside the pyramids of Egypt. Researchers detected impressive anomaly at Giza's Great Pyramid although what this is still has to be investigated.
The remains of an ancient marine arthropod unearthed in China showed evidence of fossilized brains. Researchers replicated the process through which the neural tissue has fossilized.
Earthquakes that occurred before the May 1980 eruption of Mount. St. Helens may have been caused by magma being injected from one chamber to another. Researchers said more tremors were observed in the area.
High doses of vitamin C were found to destroy mutated colorectal cancer cells in mice. Scientists hope vitamin C therapy may also work for other diseases marked by KRAS mutation.
A woman from Massachusetts was not aware she was pregnant until she went to the hospital because of severe abdominal pain. She gave birth to a baby girl one hour later.
The strong nuclear force between antiprotons was found to be as attractive as the force between protons. Some assymetry may be at work that could explain the scarcity of antimatter in the universe.
A group of scientists disputed the findings of the chimp accent study published in February this year. They said the method used and presentation of data were flawed.
Rather than pushing themselves, jellyfish and lampreys were found to pull themselves forward by producing low pressure region ahead of them. Such mechanism could reveal why these creatures are highly efficient swimmers.
Diamonds can be formed by a simple natural chemical reaction, a new quantitative theory suggested. It does not, however, mean that these precious stones would be easier to find.
Death rate in middle-aged non-hispanic whites increased over the past 15 years. Researchers attribute this to liver disease, suicides, alcohol and drug use.
The 300-million-year-old fossils of two giant sharks revealed that these marine predators existed before the emergence of dinosaurs 230 million years ago. The Texas supershark was found to be 25 percent larger than the great white shark.
The White House developed plans and strategies to mitigate the impact of space-weather events. EMP from solar flares can potentially wipe out power grids and threaten a technology-driven civilization.
University of Wisconsin engineers developed the fastest and most flexible silicon phototransistor ever made. The technology could allow for faster digital cameras that produce clearer images.
The fictional tractor beam featured in 'Star Wars' and 'Star Trek' movies is now real. The technology has a range of potential applications such as in factory settings and in medicine.
U.S. death rate for all causes has dropped by 43 percent from 1969 and 2013 but the decline has dropped in recent years. Experts offered theories that could explain the slowdown.
Two new studies reveal potential dangers of using proton pump inhibitors such as Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid. PPIs were linked to increased risks for chronic kidney disease and premature death.
Comet Lovejoy was found spewing ethanol and sugar, providing evidence that comets carry complex organic molecules. Further investigation could reveal if these organic materials came from ancient clouds of gas that formed the solar system.
Whole Foods recalled some of its products due to possible listeria contamination. Consumers who brought the affected products are urged to throw them away or return to place of purchase.
Cosmetic lenses tend to be popular on Halloween but experts warned about dangers of the product. Using and sharing colored lenses increases risks for eye infection.
Hot dogs and sausages may contain undisclosed ingredients. Genomic analysis reveals that some brands even contain unwanted meat and human DNA.
NASA researchers said the likelihood of a 5.0 earthquake striking Los Angeles over the next three years is almost 100 percent. USGS seismologists said the figure is too high but placed the odds at 85 percent.
New DNA analysis revealed that the Shroud of Turin popularly believed to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ may have originated in India. The cloth also contains genes from plants of different geographic origins.
Nursing homes often unnecessarily prescribe antibiotics or give the wrong drug or dosage to residents. Experts said this could increase the elderly’s risks for superbug infections and allergic reactions.
A floating city was reportedly seen by people hovering above the skies of Foshan and Jiangxi in China. Could this be proof that parallel universe exists?
NASA Engineer George Mueller was responsible for the "all-up" test approach that made the Apollo 11 moon mission possible. Here's how the "father of the space shuttle" contributed to manned spaceflight efforts:
Geographically isolated hunter-gatherers do not sleep longer than modern-day humans. They sleep an average of six and a half hours at night and do not take a nap.
NASA's Kepler Space Telescope detects unusual light pattern in KIC 8462852 that indicates a mess of objects orbiting it in tight formation. Experts consider the possibility of an alien megastructure designed to harness energy from the star.