On July 17, 1984, President Ronald Reagan signed into law the National Minimum Drinking Age Act that raised the legal age for drinking alcohol to 21.
Overweight teenage girl has Instagram account deleted after posting picture of herself in underwear. Site later reinstates account, but not photo.
AIDS-related deaths have fallen by a fifth in the past three years, standing at 1.5 million a year. South Africa and Ethiopia have particularly improved.
Starting this fall, Facebook will track the shows its users watch on their phones and tablets and send information about their age and gender to Nielsen. Facebook says the information is being gathered for audience measurement purposes and not audience targeting.
Americans aged 60 years and older report they are more motivated than in the past two years to improve their health by exercising regularly and setting health goals. Some 37 percent claim they are already exercising every day.
Yearly analysis looks at the best medical centers for patients with life-threatening or rare conditions. Factors such as patient survival rates, adequate nursing staff, reputation with specialist physicians and patient safety were considered.
Stressful events can slow the body’s metabolism so much that women could potentially experience an 11-pound weight gain over the course of a year, study says. Weight gain becomes more likely because the body burns fewer calories.
State offering free help for smokers trying to quit as part of study on better way to treat habit. Nationally, about 18 percent of adults smoke, and 90 percent of those who smoke by age 20 become addicted to tobacco.
Reports of young children dying in hot cars are on the rise this summer. There are tips you can follow to help you remember to check the backseat before you lock your car.
The City Council in Berkeley, Calif., has instructed local dispensaries to give away cannabis equal to 2 percent of their sales to patients 'who are in need.' And who have a prescription.
Recent survey claims roughly 70 percent of alcohol ads in magazines influenced those under 21 more than any other age group. The most popular brand ads were nine times more likely to appeal to young men and five times as likely to appeal to women.
By next year, the market is expected to creep into positive territory, growing around 2.6 percent with manufacturers shipping 316.7 million units.
Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a prototype audio reader using a 3D printer that fits like a ring on the user's finger and is equipped with a small camera that scans text.
Using some interesting metrics, new study ranks the top states to travel in this summer and also points out the worst. Oregon led the way while Mississippi was rated the worst.
Brain structure, life events and personality are main predictors of teen binge drinking, study says. CDC urges action to help change behavior to prevent deaths and illness.
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has developed the 'cocktail content calculator' in an effort to help you keep track of the exact amount you are consuming.
Results of new study reveal that apparently sitting and thinking is so much of a challenge that we’re willing to give ourselves electric shocks just to make things interesting.
Unintentional injury, suicide, and homicide end more lives by age 30 in the U.S. than any other cause, and infectious disease remains a challenge for the nation as well, study says.
CDC study claims half of all adults in the U.S. have at least one chronic condition, such as diabetes, heart disease or obesity. It urges people to control risk factors as much as possible before conditions become chronic.
Sales of television screens 65-inches and up are soaringj, up 50 percent in the past year while overall TV sales have dipped. Hardcore TV watchers and video gamers are finding affordable prices and are in a buying mood.
Women using donor sperm from men 40 and older may be more likely to get pregnant, according to new study. Researchers claim this is the first major study to investigate the effect of male age on fertility treatment using donor sperm.
Survey says nearly half of U.S. adults said they wouldn't last a full 24 hours without their smartphone. Millennials are most enamored of the devices.
A recent study conducted by the Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion claims one in 10 deaths among working-age adults can be attributed to excessive drinking. Total death count for alcohol-attributed deaths rose to 88,000 between 2006 and 2010.
Operation Dry Water, which seeks to raise awareness of the danger of boating under the influence of alcohol, starts today and continues through the weekend across the country.
New study finds when a spouse, partner or parent gets chronic migraines, the whole family suffers. Some estimates say 13 percent of adults in the U.S. have migraines, and that almost 5 million in the U.S. experience at least one migraine attack per month,
A new study finds that fortified breakfast cereals may be giving children more vitamins and minerals than is healthy. The fortified amounts are calculated for adults, not kids, the study says.
Researchers at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York think cocoa extract, called lavado, could reduce or block the damage to nerve pathways in people with Alzheimer’s. Extract could prevent the symptoms of cognitive decline.
Sociosexually unrestricted students reported higher well-being after having casual sex compared with not having sex, the researchers found. Just use a condom, people.
The ultraviolet radiation lamps used for indoor tanning put adolescents and young adults at risk for basal cell carcinomas, the most common form of skin cancer, study says. More education is needed on risks.
Various state health officials are warning residents to be mindful of ticks during any outdoor activities. New research shows Lyme disease not the only worrisome pathogen they carry.