The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is building the world's first asteroid-blasting shotgun.
University of Australia researchers revealed a crocodile’s size affects its urge to go outside its usual range.
In saving the Sumatran Rhino from extinction, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) called for donors around the world to actively take part.
The United States Geological Survey continuous update on Mauna Loa’s unrest led to an advisory/yellow alert.
German study encouraged heart attack survivors not to withhold on physical activities – including sex.
Family-based therapy is more effective than cognitive behavioral therapy in helping teens battling bulimia, researchers prove.
Alzheimer’s Research UK warned the public of an impending crisis in national health that calls for long-term sustainable research funding.
California cheese manufacturer Karoun Dairies Inc. recalled products following a food positioning outbreak that left one dead and 23 others sick.
Scientists interviewed a ‘Guevedoce’ male in a remote Dominican Republic village where one in 90 babies turn from female to male during puberty.
New research revealed drinking beetroot-based products affect your workout and sports success. Scientists at the University of Exeter is getting to the root of sports performance.
The rise of the ‘iTods’ pose health and educational risks for children aged six months to four years.
School districts across the United States adopted the Pennsylvania law that allows public schools to stock up on heroin antidote drug naloxone.
Non-smokers inhaling secondhand smoke are 22 percent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, a new study shows.
Hospital operator Universal Health Services announced its intent to buy Foundations Recovery Network for $350 million dollars.
Doctors have successfully removed tapeworm eggs inside the brain of Yadira Rostro, the 31-year-old woman who suffered massive headaches for nine months.
The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Presbyterian Hospital shut down its cardiothoracic intensive care last Sept. 3 for cleanup following a mold investigation.
A gonorrhea outbreak in northern England sparked nationwide health concern when new reported cases proved resistant to the azithromycin drug treatment.
A family in Long Island, New York, welcomed a miracle July 1 when a one-in-a-50-million identical triplets were born.
Study claimed genetics control your height and body mass index. Tall people are genetically wired to be slim.
A new study revealed it takes longer to rule out autism in children with ADHD symptoms. A new study warns parents of children suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) of an underlying and more alarming condition.
Students at the Reigate Park Primary School were banned from bringing fruits, chocolate and nuts to school after a student suffered an allergic reaction.
New study showed children with no access to gardens have 40 percent risk of getting obese by the age of seven.
Resveratrol slows down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in older adults, new research reveals.
Black children with acute appendicitis are less likely to receive painkillers in the emergency room, a new study shows.
UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) will not fund life-extending drug Abraxane to pancreatic cancer patients due to high cost.
A unique experiment showed American Diet can result to insulin resistance and oxidative stress in 3 days.
Australian study found smaller hippocampi in older people with unhealthy diets (Western Diet).Junk food affects brain areas responsible for mental health, learning and memory.
Baby’s cry jolted a mother from childbirth coma. This is the story of how Baby Rylan Cawley saved a life.
Study found new type of antibiotic that kills bacteria effectively and prevents MRSA-related deaths.
A new study shows improved executive functions in the brain of older people with better cardiorespiratory health.