A new research found there is no distinction between male and female brains. A study of over 1,400 MRI scans showed the biological gender differences do not manifest in the brain.
A day before the International Summit on Human Gene Editing in Washington, scientists and activists published a report and an open letter calling for the global ban of gene editing technology CRISPR/Cas9. The technology promises the deletion of inherited diseases but also carries ethical and safety risks.
Researchers found that BRCA1 gene helps restore broken DNA strands in lab mice bred to develop Alzheimer's disease. Mutated BRCA1 gene increases the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers.
Male patients with type 2 diabetes have higher mortality rates due to their macho factor. Female patients are more likely to benefit from tailor fit diet and lifestyle changes aimed to battle diabetes compared to male patients.
Researchers from Switzerland found mice that ran on wheels had twice as many newly developed neurons. Compared to sedentary mice, the active mice were also able to distinguish and separate patterns better.
A groundbreaking study found that high-fat diets can prompt active immune cells in the brain to become inactive and begin consuming neuron connections. Going back to a low-fat diet after two months on the high-fat diet trend could reverse the cognitive shrinkage.
Planned Parenthood associates in Texas along with 10 Medicaid patients sued the state of Texas for its decision to defund the healthcare provider. Planned Parenthood states that Texas' decision has nothing to do with healthcare; rather it is focused more on politicking.
Synthetic marijuana drug Spice sent overdosed patients into hospitals two weekends in a row. Police are tracing the makers of the synthetic drug whose packaging bears a blue dragon or a skull.
The FDA issued a Complete Response Letter to Bristol-Myers Squibb for drug Opdivo. The health regulator requires additional information before the drug can be approved for the treatment of metastatic melanoma.
A gruesome video shows how many dust mites are thriving all over your bed. Dust mites breed in warm, moist environments. Their poops cause eczema, dry eyes, cough and even rhinitis.
Ever wondered why snakes have no legs? A 90 million-year-old snake skull discovered in Argentina suggested that legs may had been a disadvantage in the species' evolution. Ancient snakes lost their legs to pursue preys in very narrow lairs.
CERN's Large Hadron Collider made a record collision between two heavy atomic nuclei. Two beams of lead nuclei were shot at each other on Nov. 17 and on Nov. 25, stable beams were declared.
The International Space Station will once again fly over UK skies on Christmas Eve giving young kids a spectacular show as Santa Claus rushes to deliver gifts around the world. The ISS can be recognized easily as it moves faster with no flashing lights.
Heart patients are advised to take breaks from sedentary behaviors such as sitting down or watching TV for long periods of time. Researchers found that despite regular exercise, overall health of heart patients are worse compared to patients who limit inactive activities.
UNICEF's new global data showed AIDS is now the top cause of death among teenagers in Africa. Around the globe, AIDS is the second most common cause of death among adolescents.
A novel immunotherapy for Type 1 diabetes patients is in the works. The researchers made use of patients' own regulatory T cells called Tregs to limit the disease's attack on the beta cells and retain the system's infection-fighting capability.
NASA will send two sounding rockets soaring into the Northern Lights this winter. The mission is to analyze particle movement in an area close to the North Pole where the planet's magnetic field is directly linked to the solar wind.
Australian researchers found women using menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) have double the risk of developing breast cancer. Women taking a combined oestrogen-progestogen therapy have higher risks of developing the disease compared to women who use oestrogen-alone therapy.
The mother of a newborn baby left in a Christmas manger in New York has been identified. After a thorough interview, Queens District Attorney said the mother will not face charges under the 'safe haven' law.
Canadian experts warn that refugees are more vulnerable to having mental health problems such as depression and substance abuse. The Canadian federal government plans to welcome 10,000 refugees by year-end and 15,000 more by Feb. 2016.
A new study found 19 brand-name dermatological drugs went through an average of 401 percent price hike since 2009. One in five Americans decided not to fill a prescription due to massive price increases in 2014.
The planet’s magnetic field won’t flip anytime soon. Researchers found that the intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field five million years ago was just 60 percent of its strength today.
Researchers found new molecules created by cooking with chloraminated tap water and iodized table salt could add toxins to food. The tap water we use in cooking and drinking goes through a lot of processes that change its chemical make-up.
Subduction is a process where one tectonic plate slides underneath another plate. Researchers from the University of Southampton discovered that not all tectonic plates stay strong when they go under, debunking many collective beliefs.
Art collectors pay for the signature on the artwork, not for the artwork itself. In this case, Mother Nature's signature on the rare Allosaurus fossil, T-Rex's smaller cousin, is not as valuable as the Picasso name.
MIT researchers showed the droplets extent using a high-speed video in 2D. Sneeze droplets are not readily formed during escape from the mouth and nose. Suspended viruses trapped inside droplets can infect a person through inhalation and skin contact.
International experts warned that over half of the world's primates such as monkeys, lemurs and apes are on the brink of extinction. The huge reduction in numbers can be traced to widespread destruction of the primates' natural habitat and other man-made activities such as illegal wildlife trading and killing primates for wild meat.
For the first time, researchers found that loneliness causes biological changes in the body that make people sick. Loneliness affects white blood cell production, causes high levels of inflammation and decreases the body’s ability to fight off sickness.
Chrissy Turner is the youngest patient to be diagnosed with a rare type of breast cancer called secretory carcinoma. Born to cancer survivor parents, the eight-year-old girl is set for mastectomy in December.
UNICEF said children living in extremely flood-prone and drought-prone areas around the world are put at much risk due to the worsening effects of global warming. Children with no access to enough drinking water and sanitation have lesser chances of recovery even before a climate-related crisis hits.