New images of Pluto revealed yellow-colored canyons on Pluto's frigid North Pole. They also revealed giant pits that suggested a phase of tectonic activity in the planet's historic past.
The so-called "super lice" spreads across 25 U.S. states. They are resistant to majority of OTC treatments and drugs including pyrethroids.
The Valley comes alive. The Death Valley National Park in California is experiencing the best 'Super Bloom' in 10 years. More than 20 wildflower species are in bloom triggered by a series of storms in October.
Sorry Big Apple, China's Beijing is the 2016's 'Billionaire Capital of the World.' Despite its erratic stock market, China has more self-made billionaires than the U.S.
A study found that dodos had a heightened sense of smell that helped them to scout for food on land. Previously thought of as stupid, dodos were actually just naïve, a trait that probably contributed to their early demise.
Find Planet Nine! In the quest to find our solar system's assumed ninth planet, French scientists said, by using mathematical models, they were able to narrow down its location by almost 50 percent.
Scientists studied two groups of ancient human fossil teeth and hypothesized that the teeth shrunk because of using tools developed during evolution. The findings also help scientists predict the size of missing teeth in fossil samples.
If you’re planning to live abroad, you might want to consider Vienna as your next home. Mercer’s Quality of Living survey ranked Austria’s capital as the most livable city in 2016, followed by Zurich, Switzerland and Auckland, New Zealand.
Scientists say that a third global coral bleaching event is happening. A report from NOAA scientists includes a devastating forecast for the world's coral reefs.
Time Inc. is planning to buy Yahoo's Internet business which includes search engine, mail and new sites. Here's why a Yahoo-Time deal could work.
A mere 5 percent loss in body weight can lower risks for developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes and improve insulin sensitivity. It may not bring dramatic cosmetic changes, but it is packed with significant health benefits.
Researchers found two new, extinct kangaroo species. Unlike their modern-day successors, these ancient kangaroos didn't hop but instead walked on all four legs.
The killing of Cecil the Lion caused many hunters to stay away from Zimbabwe. This lead to a surplus of lions that, if not controlled, could lead to the culling of about 200 lions.
Experts in Canada ruled against the use of colonoscopy for routine colon cancer screening. Instead, the medical panel suggested fecal occult blood test every two years or a flexible sigmoidoscopy every 10 years.
An Australian neurosurgeon conducted a historical operation: the surgical removal of malignant vertebrae with a subsequent transplant of a 3D-printed titanium replacement. The procedure is the first of its kind and can lead to new treatments for cancer patients.
A study has found that Charlie Sheen's public announcement of his HIV diagnosis helped increase HIV awareness both in news coverage and Google searches. The so-called 'Charlie Sheen effect' can be an earth-shaking potential for the disease's prevention as well.
UK's first C-section baby gorilla was born on Feb. 12 at the Bristol Zoo. The 11-year-old mother gorilla showed pre-eclampsia symptoms and scans showed the unborn baby was becoming unresponsive, so the only option to save both mother and baby was a C-section delivery.
NASA receives record-breaking applications for the 2017 Astronaut Program. Officials believe that social media helped make people more interested in various space programs including the Journey to Mars mission.
Not all of us can fly out to space but human talent can definitely reach greater heights. Here are the types of artworks you can send to Asteroid Bennu this September via NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft.
Bring out your inner chocoholic and get smarter with every bite! Researchers found that regular chocolate intake is linked to better brain function.
A new study found that pareiasaurs - the world's ugliest fossil reptiles - ruled the Earth long before the dinosaurs emerged. Findings suggested that these heavy-weight vegetarians traveled across the globe despite their awkward movement.
There is no other planet like Earth. A recent exoplanet census found that our home is unique among the 700 quintillion terrestrial bodies in the observable universe.
Researchers determined the rotation rate of exoplanet 2M1207b or Super-Jupiter using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. The exoplanet is four times bigger than our own Jupiter and rains liquid iron and glass.
Yahoo reassured mobile developers with the upcoming Mobile 2.0 at the Mobile Developer Conference. Chief executive Marissa Mayer talked about Yahoo's entry into native advertising and mobile engagement but did not share the company's plans on regaining revenue from native mobile content.
Sorry, Los Angeles. California decided to go with the Bakersfield-Bay Area route instead of Bakersfield-Los Angeles for the country's first bullet train segment.
New research revealed a pattern where small-bodied, big-brained mammals are more likely to become extinct. Today, these animals, if not already extinct, are either protected or endangered due to low population.
Twitter rolled out its new Direct Message option for businesses, enabling brands to turn public conversations into private ones with just a click of a button. The Customer Feedback tool, which allows businesses to survey their followers, will be available in a few weeks.
New research has found that the Rapa Nui ancient civilization didn't fall because of internal warfare but by disease brought by early European explorers. The spear-like mata'a that were thought to be weapons were actually farming and ritual tools.
Researchers found that beavers in the wild can actually reduce downstream flooding, improve biodiversity and lower pollutants. However, the environmental benefits still need to be analyzed along with their potential damage to farmlands and flood banks.
Researchers have found that emotional eating keeps Australians in a vicious obesity cycle. Findings revealed that 83 percent of obese or overweight adults in Australia are eating emotionally.