Neutrinos are being detected in a new experiment that has them traveling 500 miles. What can it tell us about the underlying qualities of matter?
Frances Oldham Kelsey, a Canadian doctor who saved the United States from widespread birth defects in the '60s, has passed away. How did Thalidomide come so close to causing massive damage in American newborns?
Vertical or horizontal pupils could make a difference in the struggle for survival, a new study finds. What can this tell us about the animal kingdom?
Why do people see unique yellow nearly the same way around the globe? How could seasonal changes affect vision?
Anglerfish are bizarre creatures that inhabit the deep water. Now, biologist have found a bizarre new form of these odd creatures.
The Dscovr satellite has recorded the Moon as it photobombed images of the Earth. How much do we really know of the mysterious far side of the Moon?
Sitting at the Marshall Space Flight Center, a new giant robot is ready to construct massive pieces for the spacecraft that will bring humans to Mars. What promise does this massive machine hold?
Venomous frogs have been discovered for the first time ever, and other species out there may also have the talent, researchers say. How deadly are these amphibians?
The Art Motel in Las Vegas has a new room, where they say a couple may join together though quantum entanglement. Is this the hot new trend in marriage?
A crab-like feature spotted on the surface of Mars by the Curiosity rover resembles an animal, some observers claim. What is going on with pyramids, spheres and more on the Red Planet?
Environmental standards for office environments were developed in the time when the United States was still fighting in Vietnam. What could this mean to modern-day employees?
Pluto and its largest satellite, Charon, were recently visited by the New Horizons spacecraft. Now, features on those bodies are being named after famous people, places and vessels from science fiction.
Human babies just a few months old are capable of carrying out communication by a means thought to be uniquely human. Now, bonobos have been heard doing the same thing.
Ancient creatures called Fractofusus were so strange, they were unlike any modern plant or animal. Now, researchers believe they have uncovered secrets of the odd sex lives of these ancient creatures.
Forever Remembered celebrates the lives of the 14 astronauts killed during the space shuttle program. What is included in this new NASA exhibit?
Robotic water striders could be revolutionary in the development of life-saving robots. How do they work?
The next wave of Ebola could be prevented by a new vaccine shown to be 100 percent effective at preventing the deadly disease. So, why is it important to keep developing new drugs?
The magnetic field of the Earth has been around longer than believed, a new study finds. What can this tell us about life on other planets?
Queen bees naturally immunize their colonies against disease, a new study reveals. How could this possibly work?
A pair of meteor showers are blazing across skies around the northern hemisphere during the first half of August. How good could it get?
The detection of lithium in Nova Centauri 2013 could help astronomers understand a basic concept in theories of the Big Bang. What did they find, and what could it mean for the future of astronomy?
Tethys, a moon of Saturn, has been seen in an all-new composite image from the Cassini spacecraft. What are the mysterious red arcs seen on the alien moon?
What is the Elk rock on Mars? Could it hold the secret to ancient alien life? The Curiosity rover on Mars has recorded a highly unusual rock on the surface of the Red Planet.
The Dawn spacecraft has revealed Ceres in a new map and stunning images. What can we learn from this new way of examining the largest member of the asteroid belt?
The World Population Prospects report from the United Nations predicts the number of people likely to live in each nation over the remainder of the century. As India becomes the most-populated nation in the world, which nations will shrink?
Brown dwarfs can form aurora like on Earth but are much more powerful. How was this unusual process seen?
A tooth from 560,000 years ago has been discovered in France by a 16-year-old archaeologist. What makes her finding so special?
Serrated teeth sliced into animals during mighty battles in the Age of Dinosaurs. New discoveries were recently revealed when researchers cut into these ancient teeth.
Autonomous robots designed for warfare could have dire consequences, a group of researchers warns. Machines designed to kill people - what could go wrong?
The choice of whether or not to smoke tobacco or use e-cigarettes depends a lot on family and friends, a new study concludes. How common is the habit?