Articles by Eric Hamilton

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  • What is API Integration and Why It’s Needed?
    · Tech

    What is API Integration and Why It’s Needed?

    For quite a long time, enterprises, large or small, ran on legacy, on-premise solutions. Then, cloud computing took its place. Presently, enterprises use software solutions that are a combination of both. Nevertheless, cloud and on-premise applications must work in coalition to function efficiently, and it is carried out with the aid of application integration.

  • Samsung Galaxy Home What We Know so Far
    · Tech

    Samsung Galaxy Home: What We Know So Far

    Samsung Galaxy Home is one of the most anticipated smart home devices of the year. While the Samsung Galaxy Home speaker was officially announced on the 9th of August, 2018, the Samsung Galaxy Home release date and price are yet to be disclosed.

  • Bus-focused Tech Offers a Fast Lane for Investors
    · Tech

    Bus-focused Tech Offers a Fast Lane for Investors

    McKinsey & Company and other mobility tech market analysts have been crowing about the four ACES trends - an acronym that stands for Autonomous driving, Connected cars, Electrified vehicles, and Smart mobility. According to one recent McKinsey report, $220 billion has been invested in more than a thousand such companies since 2010, with $120 billion of that coming in just the past three years.

  • How Much Social Media Presence Is Too Much?
    · Culture

    How Much Social Media Presence Is Too Much?

    There's no doubt about it. Almost everyone is on social media these days, whether it be posting photos and sharing everything we've done on Facebook, giving our opinion on Twitter, or showing the world our life in pictures on Instagram.

  • A safe site for Android APK Downloads
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    A Safe Site for Android APK Downloads

    Apk file now is more popular with Android users and many apk fans wonder where to find a safe apk site for Android APK downloads.

  • How Can I Spy on a Cell Phone Without Installing Software on the Target Phone?
    · Tech

    How Can I Spy on a Cell Phone Without Installing Software on the Target Phone?

    Wondering ‘how can I spy on a cell phone without installing software on the target phone?’ Read my guide about spying on ANY cell phone and getting their data within minutes. You will be astonished at how easy it is.

  • · Tech

    Why Smart Beds And Sleep Apps Are Raising Privacy Concerns

    The digital age has brought with it countless innovations which disrupt seemingly everything, and sleep is no exception to this trend.

  • · Tech

    Smart Materials Provide Real-Time Insight Into Wearers' Emotions

    Smart wearable technology that changes color, heats up, squeezes or vibrates as your emotions are heightened has the potential to help people with affective disorders better control their feelings.

  • · Tech

    Discovery Of A 'Holy Grail' With The Invention Of Universal Computer Memory

    A new type of computer memory which could solve the digital technology energy crisis has been invented and patented by scientists from Lancaster University in the UK.

  • · Tech

    Multi-Mobile (M2) Computing System Makes Android And iOS Apps Sharable On Multiple Devices

    The M2 system integrates cameras, displays, microphones, speakers, sensors, and GPS to improve audio conferencing, media recording, and Wii-like gaming, and allow greater access for disabled users.

  • · Trending News

    How You Lock Your Smartphone Can Reveal Your Age: UBC Study

    Older smartphone users tend to rely more on their phones' auto lock feature compared to younger users, a new UBC study has found. They also prefer using PINs over fingerprints to unlock their phones.

  • · Tech Buzz

    Now you can recover Photos/Videos from your Memory Card or iPhone Data easily

    The advent of the mobile phone has really helped enhance our communication life. Now more than ever we rely on our smartphones to do a host of other important things more than just communication. We now use our smartphones as storage devices to store even our crucial and sensitive data.

  • · Tech Buzz

    What Is A Dedicated IP VPN? Why Do You Need One?

    In the market for a VPN? Then you probably have heard of 'dedicated IPs' while comparing different VPN providers. Contrary to the popular 'shared IPs,' these are personal IP addresses that are reserved for a single user's exclusive use.

  • · Tech

    The Importance Of A Timely Data Breach Response

    When companies are targeted by cybercriminals, it is essential that they have plans in place in order to deal with this and enable themselves to get back online rapidly. This not only applies to internal systems but also to public perception as well — clients want to know that companies can deal with data breaches effectively. The way that security incidents are dealt with will have a significant impact on companies' reputation and standing within their industry.

  • ValueCoders
    · Tech Buzz

    Top 5 Best Software Outsourcing Companies in 2019

    The internet has diminished the boundaries of the workplace, leveraging the value and capabilities of companies. However, despite this advantage, limitations in management, operations, and conceptualization will always come up, and thus, businesses would need the expertise of software outsourcing companies.

  • · Tech

    Top 50 Best SEO Tools for Online Marketers in 2019

    2019 is in full swing, witnessing major changes in the online space, and as more days pass by, even more changes will come to the fore. So as an online marketer, one should be prepared in advance. Here are the 50 top tools that will help one deal with the changes as well as challenges.

  • · Culture

    Iconic 'Super Mario Bros.' Video Game Sold For Over $100,000

    A rare original copy of an iconic 'Super Mario Bros.' video game has been sold for $100,150 in an auction. According to Heritage Auctions, the sale set a new world record for a graded video game.

  • · Tech Buzz

    Top 5 Best Bulk Texting Services In 2021

    Bulk texting, also known as mass text messaging, is a popular communication service that is used by businesses across the world for the purpose of marketing and promotion. It is an effective and cost-efficient service that sends a single text message to thousands of subscribers all at once.

  • · Tech

    Top 5 Best Instant Messenger For Businesses In 2019

    Communication has been the top beneficiary of advancements in telecommunication technology. The digital age has made communication probably the easiest and most interesting phenomenon.

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