Could robots really take over the world? Given the recent shocker, wherein robots are beating humans at complex games such as Go, could it be our near reality?
Everything you need to know about the kissing bugs, how they transmit the Chagas disease, symptoms of the disease and subsequent treatment.
The 2016 Data Science Report by CrowdFlower reveals that data scientists spent more time doing menial data-related work than the more important analytical tasks, yet they were happy with their jobs.
You might assume that with the ever-changing lifestyles and the next generation of nonchalant youngsters, healthy food choices might be going a downward spiral. Surprisingly, it’s the other way around!
In an innovative study in nanotechnology, some sunshine or even a light bulb may be all you need to get your clothes spick and span. Scientists from Australia have come up with a technique to create self-cleaning clothes.
Researchers found a hybrid female fish that had developed testicles, self-fertilized her eggs and even given birth to offsprings. This type of reproduction is called 'selfing' and is often found in insect and flower species.
Metallic ink has been discovered on Herculaneum papyrus scrolls that were charred during the Mount Vesuvius eruption dated 2,000 years ago. This sets the invention of metallic ink to a few centuries earlier than previously thought.
In an interesting turn of events, a botanist and a photographer discovered two previously unrecorded species of the magnolia flower. The discovery was made online.