Magellanic penguin chicks in Argentina are in trouble...deep trouble, due to extreme weather conditions.
Mexican biologists fear that the axolotl may have finally disappeared from their natural lake habitats.
Scientists have proposed a new heat flow technology to manage heat in electronic devices. Heat management is one of the biggest problems facing manufacturers today.
A factory slaughtering and processing endangered whale sharks have been discovered in China. Whale sharks, it appears, are fighting a losing battle. Though whale sharks are officially listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) as well as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), recently, a "shark slaughterhouse" was uncovered by conservation activists in the Zhejiang proving in China.
Nintendo has hinted at finally joining the mobile gaming bandwagon. Mobile Nintendo mini-games may soon come out for various mobile platforms. Sounds too good to be true? Right.
Windows Phone 8 users, who are also GTA fans, can finally get their hands on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
A recently discovered caveman hearth in Qesem Cave site in Israel may shed light on early human usage of fire.
Mechanical problems may spell a premature end to China's Jade Rabbit lunar rover. Almost a month and a half into its lunar mission, the Chinese lunar Rover the Jade Rabbit may be nearing the end of its rope.
A new study shows that earthquake fault zones deep in the sea may be taking in large amounts of water from the ocean.
New evidence indicates that the Grand Canyon may have formed at a more recent time period compared to previous estimates.
A team of researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have teamed up with Intel engineers to come up with carbon nanotubes that could be used to cool microprocessors in the near future.
The analysis of DNA from the 7,000 year old remains of a stone age European man reveals that early Europeans had blue eyes and dark skin.
Two new studies shed light on possible relationship between genetic mutations and schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a fairly common mental disease that causes the breakdown of normal human thought processes.
Scientists have spotted a white dwarf supernova in the M82 galaxy 12 million light years away. Astronomers the world over have been buzzing with excitement after the recent detection of a supernova in the Messier 82 galaxy, a nearby galaxy also known as the Cigar galaxy.
New findings show that Adam, humanity's common male ancestor, may have lived 9,000 years earlier than what was previously believed.
Japan plans to use magnetic "net" to deal with the problem of space debris. Ever since man first sent objects to space, the amount of space debris orbiting around the Earth has been steadily growing.
Two deaths caused by the H7N9 Bird Flu virus have already been confirmed by Chinese authorities. Experts are growing increasingly concerned of a possible outbreak.
A series of new studies suggest that polar bears in Hudson Bay may be changing their diet in an effort to adapt to the melting Arctic ice.
Microsoft plays catch-up game by introducing Windows Azure price drops shortly after Amazon reduced prices for its Web services.
A recent study shows how human activities over the last 11,000 years have affected and shaped the rainforests in South East Asia.
Vine kicks off #VineBirthday campaign to celebrate its first birthday. Vine's success is something that many app developers and startups dream up.
FBI has warned retailers that the cybercrime incidents related to credit card data breaches may increase in the near future.
A new study shows that bats use water ripples caused by the mating habits of frogs to home in on their prey.
A new research indicates that the ancient fish already had the genes needed to develop limbs. While it has long been known that the first amphibians were descendants of ancient fish, the exact genetic mechanisms for development of limbs were previously unknown.
Scientists are now experimenting with new whisker-like tactile sensors for robots. Scientist have been trying boost the efficiency of robots by trying to mimic living things for years now.
Discovery of the 3,600 year old tomb of Woseribre-Senebkay, a previously unknown pharaoh, in an archaeological dig site in Egypt, has stumped archaeologists from the University of Pennsylvania, because this pharaoh appears to be one of the first rulers from the little-known Abydos dynasty.
A new report shows the dwarf planet Ceres is venting water vapor. Cause of the incident remains unknown but it has triggered speculations that the planet may harbor alien lifeforms.
Facebook is currently testing a new mobile ad network allowing advertisers to post ads on third party apps.
Possible Samsung Galaxy S5 TouchWiz homescreen screenshots have been leaked and the UI looks surprisingly similar to Google Now.
A recent report from Oxfam shows that the top 85 wealthiest individuals in the world have fortunes that equal the collective wealth of the poorer half of the world's entire population of 7 billion individuals.