According to Apple CEO Tim Cook, the Apple Watch will require daily charging. However, Cook did not reveal a specific battery life for the smartwatch.
T-Mobile added 2.3 million new customers in the third quarter and posted a revenue of $7.35 billion. However, the company still suffered a loss of $94 million.
Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed that expenses for the company could increase by up to 75 percent in 2015 as Facebook invests in several projects.
John Legere, CEO of T-Mobile, stated all the facts regarding the new Apple SIM that comes with the iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3, and how it works with the major carriers through a series of tweets.
Apple CEO Tim Cook said that Apple Pay already has 1 million card activations over its first 72 hours, which is already more than every other mobile wallet service combined.
Samsung's position as the global leader in the smartphone market is being challenged by Xiaomi, a Chinese smartphone manufacturer. Samsung has already lost its dominance in China, where the company makes 18 percent of its total sales.
Dell is stepping up its gaming system lineup, headlines by the Alienware graphics amplifier that allows the Alienware 13 laptop to work as a high-end gaming desktop.
Google's recently acquired Skybox will be providing updated satellite images to non-government organizations under the Skybox for Good program. The program has already started, with Skybox taking images of destructive mining activity in Appalachia, West Virginia.
The average regular gasoline price in the United States from Oct. 10 to Oct. 24 is $3.0759 per gallon, which is the lowest since Dec. 17, 2010.
Grabit's robotic arm uses electrostatic attraction to pick up and move objects such as sheet metal, fabric and glass panels. The company's technological advances present new opportunities for using grabbers in manufacturing processes.
The Butte Nugget, which weighs 6.07 pounds, was sold for a secret price to a secret buyer. The middleman, however, revealed that the initial asking price was $400,000.
The Apple SIM will allow users of the new iPad to easily switch between carriers with a few taps. AT&T subscribers, however, will have their SIM cards locked to the carrier.
Scientists have successfully tested on mice engineered stem cells that can make and secrete toxins that can kill brain cancer cells. The stem cells are immune to the toxins, which prevent cancer cells from creating protein.
The biggest sunspot in the previous 24 years is shooting solar flares at Earth. The sunspot has already created four X-class flares, the most intense classification, since Oct. 19.
Google's Nest has acquired smart home startup Revolv. Revolv will be joining the development of the Works with Nest platform, as Nest continues to grow into the dominant player in the industry.
The proposed auction by the FCC for low-frequency airwaves is being pushed back to early 2016. The auction will be the first chance since 2008 for wireless carriers to acquire "beach-front property" airwaves.
The free streaming feature of Xbox Music will be discontinued starting Dec. 1. Users that wish to keep enjoying the service will have to sign up for a 30-day trial, and eventually a monthly subscription for $9.99.
Researchers have found that exposure to sunshine could help decrease the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. However, wouldn't too much exposure to sunlight cause skin cancer?
A new study shows that eating a walnut-enriched diet can help fight against Alzheimer's disease, adding to the growing body of research on the health benefits of walnuts.
Billionaire and Alibaba founder Jack Ma will meet with several studios as the company seeks to acquire content to be shown in its set-top boxes in China. The company already has a deal with Lions Gate for the 'Hunger Games' movies and 'Mad Men' TV series.
A man attacked four rookie New York City police officers with a hatchet. The motive for the man's attack has not yet been determined.
A new study reveals that people with depression and troubled marriage have a higher risk of becoming obese, and could develop metabolic syndrome.
Surgeons in Australia have been able to make a dead heart beat again and transplanted the organ to a patient. The breakthrough procedure opens up possibilities for the reduction of the shortage of organs that are donated for transplants.
Xiaomi is moving the data of non-Chinese users to servers in the United States and Singapore. Is the company preparing for an expansion, or is it trying to get the data away from the watchful eyes of the Chinese government?
Steve Wozniak has accepted the appointment as an adjunct professor in the University of Technology, Sydney. The contract of Wozniak with UTS is open-ended, with currently no fixed term.
Another man jumped over the fence of the White House just a month after the previous incident. The intruder, however, was subdued immediately with the help of Secret Service dogs.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is earning a pay package worth $84.3 million for the financial year 2014. Most of the amount is in the form of stock awards, which will be paid out over several years.
Sprout will be combining a large flat-screen display with a flat, touch-enabled work surface. The device will also include an overhead assembly that combines a projector and a 3D scanner.
Mental health advocates are saying that the number is too high. Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that the number is still a conservative figure because it doesn't include residents who are institutionalized.
There are several new features that could prove useful in OS X Yosemite, including Dark Mode, upgrades to Messenger, and a screen recorder.