A Brazilian court has ordered access to WhatsApp blocked for 48 hours, and rival messaging service Telegram benefitted with over one million new users in just one day. The shutdown of WhatsApp could be the start of a brewing change within Brazil regarding net neutrality.
Hyundai unveiled new renders of the upcoming Ioniq as a teaser for the January launch of the alternative fuel vehicle. The Ioniq will come standard equipped with three ultra-low emission powertrains.
Does anybody remember the insanely diifficult 'Flappy Bird' mobile game? The title's creator is back with 'Swing Copters 2,' featuring the same crazy difficulty masked by cute graphics and simple gameplay.
Gamers can now export songs from 'Rock Band 3' into 'Rock Band 4' for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The process, which will cost $14.99, is almost the same for the two consoles.
Sony has announced the new 'Call of Duty: Black Ops 3' Standard Edition PlayStation 4 Bundle, which will be sold for $349.99. The bundle includes a copy of the standard edition of the game, a 500 GB PlayStation 4 and the Nuk3town map.
Slack, with 2 million daily users, is not slacking off in developing its productivity app. Slack has created an app directory that categorizes the 150 integrations available to the service, along with new APIs.
Germany has reached agreements with Google, Facebook and Twitter for the removal of hate speech online within 24 hours from being reported. This is the latest step in the fight against online racism amid the refugee crisis.
Facebook has made improvements to its names process with two changes. The improvements were spurred by a variety of factors, including the #MyNameIs movement.
The Balance of Power update brings many additions and changes to 'Dota 2,' including the return of Zet the Arc Warden and a new rune. It also features the Tempest Helm of the Thundergod, an Arcana item for Zeus.
Google will be launching Android Pay in Australia in the first half of next year. The mobile payment system will be supported by a variety of Australian banks, merchants and apps upon its launch.
An exclusive report revealed that Apple has purchased a 70,000-square-foot chipmaking factory in San Jose for $18.2 million. The facility is able to produce a wide range of products, but it is nowhere near capable of manufacturing Apple's latest A9 processors.
Apple launched a secret laboratory in northern Taiwan where engineers are said to be working on new display technologies. The company is said to be switching to OLED technology from LCD screens on its iPhones, iPads and Macs.
Dell signaled that it could buy back at least $3 billion worth of the VMware tracking stock that will be part of the financing of the computer maker's acquisition of EMC. Doing so might increase the value of VMware shares, which has been dropping.
Electronic Arts and Coldwood Interactive will launch the adorable puzzle-platform game 'Unravel' on Feb. 9. The game features Yarny, a character that is made out of a single but very long thread of yarn.
LG revealed that it will be having more focus on home audio systems for the upcoming CES 2016. At the massive electronics exhibition, LG is set to unveil the newest additions to its Music Flow and X-Boom lines.
The demand for hoverboards may have waned because of reports that certain brands and models pose explosion risks. However, not all hoverboards come with quality issues, and this buying guide will help customers figure out which ones are worth purchasing.
Hacking collective Anonymous released data from the European Space Agency. The group often carries out hacking attacks in behalf of certain causes, but this breach seemingly had no particular reason behind it.
2K Studios launched the WWE 2K16 Creation Studio, which will allow 'WWE 2K16' gamers to upload scans of their faces right into the game. The app is free to download for both Android and iOS devices.
Man-turned-demon Akuma from the 'Street Fighter' franchise will be joining 'Tekken 7: Fated Retribution' as a playable character. Is a sequel to 'Tekken X Street Fighter' in the works as well?
A hacker that goes by the name of CTurt said that he has successfully created a fully jailbroken PlayStation 4. The jailbreak will lead to homebrew apps and custom firmware coming to the console soon.
There is no shortage of options for Apple fans looking to purchase an iDevice over the holidays. Here are some Apple devices that can be purchased through online stores, with deals attached to some of them.
Nintendo has entered the mobile video game industry, but that does not mean that the end of the 3DS is near. A Nintendo executive said that the 3DS is here to stay, with titles such as 'Tri Force Heroes' and 'Yo-Kai Watch.'
One of the major issues of 'Star Wars Battlefront' is its matchmaking, which has been horrible for gamers all over the world. Severa threads in online forums have popped up for gamers to voice out their concerns.
The launch of the BlackBerry Priv has caused the share price of the company to jump as stocks of the smartphone sell out. The massive demand may largely be due to the Priv being BlackBerry's first Android-powered device.
NASA is working with Draper to develop motion tracking devices for the astronauts on the International Space Station. The data collected by the devices could help determine improvements for space habitat design.
Apple has pushed out pop-up ads on the App Store that urges owners of older iPhones to upgrade to the iPhone 6s. Response to the aggressive marketing piece has not been well online.
Users can now connect their Gmail accounts to the Yahoo Mail app to be able to access all the features offered by Yahoo's service. Yahoo is hoping to attract more users to Yahoo Mail with this addition of Gmail support.
Valve quickly released an update for 'Counter-Strike: Global Offensive' after the previous update introduced the overpowered R8 Revolver to the game. 'CS: GO' players complained about the imbalanced handgun, which was too powerful for its $850 in-game price.
An update coming to the Google Wallet app for both Android and iOS will allow users to send money through the phone numbers of people in their contact list. The recipient will be able to receive the money within minutes.
Users can now share Live Photos through Tumblr 5.0 for iOS devices, with the update to the app also adding some 3D Touch capabilities. Other social networks will follow suit in supporting Live Photos sharing.