TechATTN: Smartphones Could Damage Your Skin Just Like the Sun, So Playing on Your Devices Could Lead to Premature Aging, Experts Say Researchers claim smartphones and other devices with "blue light" could damage skin just like the sun. Here's why you should wear sunscreen while playing mobile or online Giuliano J. de Leon
HealthCOVID-19 Vaccine Update: AstraZeneca Chief Says Oxford Vaccine Might Still Be Released This Yearby Nhx T.
TechArtificial Intelligence Solved the Puzzle of DNA Activation Code for Identifying 75% of Human Genesby CJ Robles
HealthEasyJet Viral: Pilot 'Ambushed' Asthmatic Man to Wear Mask Despite Condition, Gave Him 2 Seconds to Decideby Jamie P.
HealthCDC: COVID-19 Vaccines Will Administer on 'Day of the Dead' as Experts Fear the Rushby Isaiah Alonzo
HealthFauci Slams CDC New Low Statistics Showing Only 6% of the COVID-19 Deaths is Caused By Novel Coronavirusby Isaiah Alonzo
HealthDIY COVID-19 Vaccines? These Scientists Use Unproven Ones As They Grew Impatient For the Official Vaccineby Giuliano J. de Leon
Health[BREAKING] AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Begins Final Trials; The US Government Orders 100 Million Dosesby Giuliano J. de Leon
FAA Does Business With SpaceX, Starts Testing Starlink Terminal Testing Despite Existing Verizon Deal