HealthAI known as 'mediKanren' Helps Find Treatment for Rare Neuro Condition—Can This Be Used for Other Illness? An AI called "mediKanren" has helped in finding a treatment for a rare neuro condition, potentially, for others Isaiah Richard
HealthDementia Diagnosis in a Single Brain Scan? Scientists Test AI That Detect, Predict Illnessby Teejay Boris
HealthNeuroscience Researchers Use Neural Implant to Help Paralyzed Man Talk After Being Unable to Speakby Isabella James
HealthSpeech Neuroprosthetic: Brain Wave Technology Helps Paralyzed Man to Speak--How?by Joseph Henry
TechInflatable Spinal Cord Implant Could Ease Your Back Pain Through Implanted Electrodes--How Does it Work?by Joseph Henry
ScienceArtificial Intelligence To Help Scientists Increase Efficacy Rates of Sleep Disorder Treatmentsby Fran Sanders
HealthThis Brain Device Can Be Used to Make Friends; It Can Also Treat 'Pandemic Fatigue'by Joseph Henry
ScienceHuman Brains Can Quickly Adapt Using an Extra Robotic 'Third Thumb,'Experts Say [STUDY]by Joseph Henry
HealthParalyzed Man Can Type 90 Characters Per Minute Thanks to New Handwriting Brain-Computer Interfaceby Joseph Henry
Health'Decoded Neurofeedback' Zaps Your Brain to Remove Your Fear, Enhance Your Confidenceby Joen Coronel