Healthy Living/WellnessCalifornia Becomes First State To Strictly Regulate Use Of Antibiotics In Healthy Livestock California takes the lead in taking antibiotics out of the food chain, mostly. The new rules are still over two years out, Quinten Plummer
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Healthy Living/WellnessAntioxidant Supplements Can Cause Cancer Cells To Spread Faster: Studyby Ted Ranosa
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Healthy Living/WellnessMalaria Cure Based On Traditional Chinese Medicine Wins Tu Youyou Nobel Prizeby Rhodi Lee
Healthy Living/Wellness32-Year-Old Mom In UK Says Viagra Helped Save Her Premature Baby's Lifeby Julienne Roman
Healthy Living/Wellness2.7 Billion Adults To Become Obese By 2025: Experts Blame Western Dietby Rhodi Lee