Healthy Living/WellnessLeptin Gene Therapy Could Aid Weight Loss Without Risks Of Bone Loss Weight loss treatments almost always entail bone loss. Now, researchers may have finally found a weight-cutting regimen that does not risk bone health: leptin gene Rina Marie Doctor
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Healthy Living/WellnessAltering Chemistry In The Brain Can Make Patients More Resistant To Pain, Study Findsby Katrina Pascual
Healthy Living/WellnessNew Medical Tests Essential To Curb Antibiotic Misuse, Says Economist Jim O'Neillby Katrina Pascual
Healthy Living/WellnessRestaurants Slammed Over Children's Menu: Food Choices Make Healthy Eating Impossible For Kids, Claims Campaign Groupby Katrina Pascual
Healthy Living/WellnessPediatricians Urged To Combat Childhood Malnutrition By Asking Kids If They Are Hungryby Rina Marie Doctor
Healthy Living/WellnessBlood Test Could Indicate Risks For Premature Death Due To Pneumonia Or Sepsisby Katherine Derla
Healthy Living/WellnessHow A Woman Was Able To Smell Parkinson's: The Science Of Detecting Diseases Through The Sense of Smellby Ted Ranosa
Healthy Living/WellnessSome Doctors Skeptical With New American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines: Here’s Whyby Katherine Derla
Healthy Living/WellnessBrain Differences Observed In Young Adults With Increased Genetic Risk For Alzheimer's Diseaseby Alyssa Navarro
HealthCheese Is Addictive As Drug: Dairy Product Triggers Brain Region Linked To Addictionby Rina Marie Doctor