HealthUS CDC: 'Super-Emitter' COVID-19 Patient Attends Choir Practice, Infected 52 Others, While Two Died A COVID-19 patient recognized as a 'super-emitter' killed two patients and infected 52 others after spreading the virus through singing in choir practice. United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains how this Jamie P.
TechVentilator Could Be to Blame on Fire Incident in Russian Hospital Which Kills 5 Coronavirus Patientsby Tiziana Celine
TechCOVID-19 UPDATE: Can Insect Repellent Prevent Coronavirus Infections? Mosi-Guard Can Kill Other Coronaviruses Including SARSby Giuliano J.
TechFacebook Agrees to Pay $52 Million in Settlement to Moderators Who Have Suffered PTSD While on the Jobby Christine Roger
TechCORONAVIRUS Pandemic: Tube is a 'Suicide Mission; Few Masks with No Social Distancing as Commuters Packed London Undergroundby CJ Robles
TechNHS to Conduct a Virtual Reality Trial with Hi-Tech Headset to Tackle Patients' Worst Phobiasby Giuliano J.
Tech'Arrest Me': Elon Musk Reopens Tesla's Factory After Ignoring Lockdown Orders, Sues California Countyby Christine Roger
TechDoctors Say Inflammation Might be the Root of COVID-19 Along with Other Diseases Such as Cancer and Dementiaby Christine Roger
HealthCOVID-19 Update: New Coronavirus Outbreak In South Korea Focuses On LGBTQ: Gay Men Not Allowed To Donate Plasmaby Giuliano J. de Leon