TechGoogle and Microsoft Team Up with Facebook to File Charges Against NSO Group, a Spyware Vendor Social media giant Facebook and other tech comapnies such as Google and Microsoft are now working together to hold NSO Group accountable. The group allegedly uses its software to hack devices and to target politicians, journalists and Sieeka Khan
TechPayPal Holdings is Now Battling Square in a Race to Improve Digital Wallets with New Featuresby Urian B.
TechModem Rentals Are Now Free For Internet, TV Broadband Thanks to New US Law—Television Viewer Protection Act Goes to Effect!by Isaiah Alonzo
TechHard Disk Drives May Become Obsolete: 580TB Tapes Equivalent to Six SSDS Introducedby Sieeka Khan
TechStop DMCA: Petition to Ditch Copyright Bill That Could Imprison Twitch Streamers Now Onlineby Sieeka Khan
TechTesla Software Update: Tesla's 2021 Model 3 Cars to Get an Upgrade That Enables Increased Battery Capacityby Sieeka Khan
TechMicrosoft-designed Chips Would Ditch Intel Too?Surface PCs Reportedly will Follow Apple!by Isaiah Alonzo
TechDJI Banned? US Government Tagged Drone Company as Security Risk Over Ties with Chinaby Sieeka Khan
TechGoogle Gets 3rd Antitrust Lawsuit from 38 Attorney Generals for Allegedly 'Manipulating Searches'by Urian B.
TechSolarWinds-Linked Hackers Attack the US Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administrationby Urian B.
TechUS Claims Google Gives Facebook Unfair Advertising Advantage, Preventing FB Getting Into Adtech Areaby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechElon Musk: No, SpaceX is Not Looking to Double Valuation Despite Starship and Starlink Programs Acceleratingby Urian B.
TechFacebook Teams Up with 'Fortnite' Maker Epic Games In Legal Battle Against Apple After Facebook's Nationwide Ad Campaignby Urian B.