London’s Mayor Wants Those Little Hoverboard Scooters Legalized on His Sidewalks

London mayor Boris Johnson gets it. Kind of, sort of. He doesn't exactly know what to call it, but he gets it. Or, at the very least, things it should be legalized on the streets of the UK capital.

In a Baby Boomer-praising column for the British paper The Telegraph, the politician invoked Back to the Future and then called for an end to "this ludicrous and nannying prohibition on the electric scooter-surfboard gizmos."

Johnson says he spoke with experts at London's transport department, who assured him that the ban on "the Segway-like things," which dates all the way back to the Highway Act of 1835, is "hogwash" that is limiting liberating personal mobility.

Doing away with the current legal ban on the Justin Bieber-approved form of calorie maintaining transportation could potentially help put at end between warring youngs and olds, claims the mayor, calling such a move "intergenerational fairness."

Via: Ars Technica

Source: The Telegraph

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