Microsoft Xbox Live Outages: Service Goes Down (Again), Is Now Up And Running But Not For All

Xbox Live went down again on Friday night, Oct. 23, and is reportedly back up for some users, but others report it's still not working.

News regarding an Xbox Live outage is hardly a surprise anymore, as Microsoft's service has been experiencing down time quite often. With Xbox Live down, players can't sign into the service not play games or boot up applications.

This means that online multiplayer games are showing an error, customers can't create new Xbox Live accounts or sign in to their existing accounts, and even single-player games such as the new Assassin's Creed Syndicate are unplayable because they require an online server connection.

"Hey Xbox members, are you having issues signing in to Xbox Live? We are aware of this issue and are working hard to get it resolved ASAP," Microsoft wrote on its support website.

In an updated report, Venture Beat said that Microsoft resolved the issues and the Xbox Live service is back up and running, but it seems that it's not functional for everyone just yet. Complaints keep piling up on social media and plenty of Xbox gamers report that Xbox Live is still not working for them.

"Xbox live has been down sense last night and is still not up. FIX IT!!!!!!!!" writes one disgruntled Xbox user.

"@Xbox is Xbox live down again? I mean, really? Is it? Because, I mean, REALLY???" writes another (we've cut one word from the quote to keep in clean, but Xbox is definitely not getting much love now).

As often in such situations, the outage does not affect all gamers equally, but it nonetheless seems to be affecting a large number of Xbox One users.

At the time of writing, Microsoft's Xbox Live Status page shows a "Limited" label for Xbox Live purchase and content usage, as well as social and gaming services, and the same label also applies to a number of apps. The only affected platform Microsoft listed with limited services is the Xbox 360, with the mention that users cannot browse the Xbox Games Store, post game performance or view the performance of other Xbox Live members. When it comes to apps, IGN is apparently limited for Xbox 360 and iHeartRadio is limited for both Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

It remains unclear at this point just when Microsoft will have everything up and running again for all Xbox Live users, but it shouldn't be too long now.

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