Australian Company’s 30-Minute Hangover Cure May Encourage Binge Drinking

Authorities are worried that a new Australian company's 30-minute hangover cure may encourage the public to practice more binge-drinking. The Hangover Clinic, a Sydney-based company set to launch in November, promises an exceptional cure for hangover through the injection of an intravenous (IV) drip.

The Hangover Clinic said that there will be pop-up clinics spread all over Sydney with medical professionals who will administer the IV.

The company explained that their IV treatment can help speed up a hung-over person's recovery by restoring levels of body fluids with saline. The company said that the hangover cure can replenish a person's vitamin levels, boost energy levels, and administer rehydration efficiently.

The company offers three hangover remedies. The first is called Jump Start and it is a 30-minute hangover cure that includes one liter of Hartmann's Solution IV hydration, doses of vitamin B and C, and some headache and anti-nausea medication.

The second is called Energize and it is a 40-minute treatment that includes the same treatment that Jump Start has but with an added oxygen treatment.

Lastly, the third is called Resurrection and it is a one-hour hangover cure that includes two liters of Hartmann's Solution IV hydration, doses of vitamin B and C, headache and anti-nausea medication, oxygen treatment and a glutathione shot.

The Hangover Clinic also offers fitness boosters such as Jetlag Crusher, Cold & Flu Hydration, and Sports Recovery which all includes one liter of Hartmann's Solution IV hydration.

However, New South Wales Labor Party health spokesperson Walt Secord is worried that the hangover cure is promoting the irresponsible use of alcohol.

"I want New South Wales Health to make sure they've crossed every T and dotted every I. And to make sure that they're not acting irresponsibly," Secord said.

NSW Premier Mike Baird said that the treatment should be monitored so that the culture of binge-drinking will be prevented. Baird explained that the violence and damage that alcohol-drinking has caused is what concerns them.

Meanwhile, the hangover cure is popular in destinations such as London, New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco and Ibiza.

In the United States, 86.8 percent of Americans who were 18 years old and above admit that they drink alcohol, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reported. Of these, 24.6 percent admit that they engaged in binge-drinking.

Photo : Quinn Dombrowski | Flickr

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