Trusted password manager LastPass had been bought by globally leading Software as a Service (SaaS) company LogMeIn. On Oct. 9, LastPass announced the acquisition in its forum.
"It's a big day here at LastPass. We're thrilled to announce that we're joining LogMeIn. As one of the world's leading SaaS companies, we can't imagine a better team to align with our values and product-driven mission," wrote LastPass.
LastPass stores its users passwords so they can focus on the important things. Meanwhile, LogMeIn owns a number of companies. In one of its services, LogMeIn provides employees access to their work files and connection to their offices while they are at home.
LastPass, together with LogMeIn, promises to introduce new features and grow the service to more people.
However, following a major controversy, many internet users have stopped trusting LogMeIn -- so the acquisition was an unpleasant news to some people.
"Can't think of anything worse for LastPass. What's the best alternative now? I shudder at the thought of LogMeIn having any details of mine," wrote a user in response to the announcement.
Other netizens are telling LastPass users to try rivals Bomgar and 1PassWord.
Bomgar, a primary competitor to LogMeIn, has already started moving into the access control space. Vertically integrated auth is the future. — SecuriTay (@SwiftOnSecurity) October 9, 2015
The primary competitor to @LastPass is @1Password, if you have a vendetta against LogMeIn for whatever reason.
— SecuriTay (@SwiftOnSecurity) October 9, 2015
In 2014, LogMeIn users were furious when the site announced that they will abolish their free desktop access service. Some workers, who have been enjoying the convenience of taking their work at home through the service, had to look for a free alternative.
LastPass believes that LogMeIn's experience in nurturing successful brands like Join.Me will contribute to the advancement of the password manager as it strives to deliver the next generation of identity and access management for individuals, teams and companies.
"We will continue to build and improve LastPass for our free, Premium and Enterprise customers," wrote the LastPass team.
"To address the concerns that some in our community have raised, I want to personally assure you that this is good news for our users. First of all, we, LogMeIn and LastPass, have no plans to change our existing business model," wrote LastPass CEO Joe Siegrist on a follow-up statement.