It was said by the Lhazareen witch to Daenerys Targaryen that Khaleesi would only be reunited with her sun and stars, Khal Drogo, when the sun rose in the west and set in the east. But cryptic prophecies aside, it seems that Game of Thrones Fans finally got the reunion they're been wishing for since Khal Drogo met his end in season one of the HBO series. Sort of.
Emilia Clarke and Jason Momoa, who play Daenerys and Khal Drogo on Game of Thrones, met up during some downtime at Paris Fashion week and the pretty and stylish on-screen couple shared the most adorable reunion photos on social media.
Clarke posted the first photo on her Instagram account showing the lovely pair laughing away as she sits in Momoa's lap. She also hints in her hashtag that the two probably had a bit too much Parisian beer.
A photo posted by @emilia_clarke on Oct 2, 2015 at 4:37pm PDT
Next, Momoa also joined in on the hashtag fun with some snaps of Clarke wearing his funny big hat and referring to her as “my khaleesi.” Awwwwww...
He also shared that he would like to come back and be reborn on Game of Thrones as a dragon – By the Seven, please make this so!
My sun and stars! Have a look at the cute couple shots shared by Clarke and Momoa. (Note: Some captions written by the soon-to-be Aquaman actor are not kid-friendly).
My khalessi @emilia_clarke When she smiles at you....... A photo posted by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on Oct 2, 2015 at 6:13pm PDT
Goofballs @emilia_clarke my khalessi. What a women.
A photo posted by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on Oct 2, 2015 at 6:16pm PDT
To fucking cute A photo posted by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on Oct 2, 2015 at 6:17pm PDT
A photo posted by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on Oct 2, 2015 at 6:20pm PDT
After some quality time with his Khaleesi, Momoa also shared a beautiful shot of himself (wearing his hat) along with the real “moon of his life,” wife Zoë Kravitz who made her runway debut at Balenciaga's Spring/Summer 2016 collection at Paris Fashion Week.
Love my zozo. @zoeisabellakravitz ohana in Paris Aloha j A photo posted by Jason Momoa (@prideofgypsies) on Oct 3, 2015 at 1:57pm PDT
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