Google I/O 2014: What to expect and what not to expect

Google I/O is set to kick off tomorrow, and there are quite a few exciting things we expect the search company to highlight before the end of the conference, but not many surprises. There are also a few things we don't expect Google to talk much about or at all.

Android 5.0:

The next version of Android will play a key role at Google I/O, as it is the base of where Google hedges its future in mobile. Folks going in to hear about some big Android announcement should control their inner Spartan, as chances are that might not happen.

We expect the next version of Android to come with built in fitness trackers since it is becoming very apparent that this feature is important to many. Furthermore, we also expect visual changes to make Android more eye candy.

Android Wear:

Google has been quiet up until recently about its plans for Android Wear. The company released a video giving developers and potential Android owners a taste of what to come. From what we've seen, Android Wear looks miles ahead when compared to every smart watch available right now. Even Samsung has to take notice as the Korean tech company plans to create its own Android Wear based smart watch.

Google Glass:

A smart phone on your face, that's what Google Glass is right now. Remember how the Daily Show made fun of Google Glass in a skit? Don't pretend as if what the skit showed doesn't bear some truth. Google Glass is so far a disappointing device with no apparent future outside of the health, business, and fashion community.

The general public at large will be hesitant when it comes down to wearing a Google Glass device. We expect Google to announce a way to fix this issue, along with showcasing new features of Glass. Chances are, the company could also show us a newer version of the product.

Here are the things Google I/O viewers should not expect.

Android Home Automation:

Google only recently bought Nest, and Nest only recently bought Dropcam, which means fans should not expect to see much related, unless Google has been working on something completely different.

Android TV:

After the failure of Google TV, we are certain that the search company wants to get back into the game, but we don't believe Google I/O will be the place where the company shows off its next device. Chances are, the Android TV platform is not yet ready because Google doesn't want to release another failure.


Google+ is the heart and soul of Google's social networking dream. Some might even say Google+ is a dead horse being beaten, and that's probably correct. However, we don't expect further beatings of this dead horse today at Google I/O. Maybe a few bits here and there about the service, but don't expect anything grand.

Google I/O begins on June 25 and runs up to June 26. Interested persons can view the live stream right here.

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