New 'Super Smash Bros.' DLC Is Here, And You Get One Stage Free Just For Updating

Nintendo doesn't like to make a big show of its Super Smash Bros. updates, so it's not surprising that the latest batch of new content for the title arrived completely unannounced Tuesday night. It's a pleasant surprise for fans, with the new update including everything from new gear for Mii fighters to new stages.

The previously revealed Super Mario Maker stage arrives for the price of $2.49 on both the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. Players can shell out $3.49 to unlock it on both versions of the game. On Wii U a Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker inspired pirate ship level is also available to download for $1.99.

Then there are all the new costumes and Mii fighter gear. Lots and lots of new costumes. Check out the full list below.

Toad Hat
Viridi Wig
Hunter's Helm
Rathalos Helm
Fox Hat
Captain Falcon Helmet
Business Suit (All)
Toad Outfit (Brawler)
Viridi Outfit (Swordfighter)
Hunter's Mail (Swordfighter)
Rathalos Mail (Swordfighter)
Fox Outfit (Gunner)
Captain Falcon's Outfit (Brawler)

Each piece of gear costs $.75 on either console or $1.15, if you purchase it for both. If you want all the new pieces of gear, you can spend $5.25 on the Wii U or 3DS to unlock them, or spend $8.05 to unlock the content on both. You can buy all of the new gear and stages for $7.74 on 3DS, $9.73 on Wii U or $13.53 for both.

But for those gamers who are low on cash, don't fret. Nintendo is giving everybody a new stage for free in the form of a new Duck Hunt-inspired level to battle on. All you have to do is download the latest update in order to snag the free stage.

Looking for more Nintendo news? The company recently announced Super Mario Maker has sold more than a million copies, making it one of the most successful games to launch for the Wii U.

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