'Half-Life 3' Easter Egg In 'Mad Max' Proves A Crowbar Doesn't Cut It In The Wasteland

Gordon Freeman is one tough scientist. The silent protagonist of Valve's Half-Life series, the genius from Black Mesa, has proven that he isn't only good at math. He is also adept at fighting off alien invasions, leading resistance movements, wielding crowbars and driving dune buggies.

All important skills, but it doesn't look like that was enough to save Gordon from a terrible fate in the Wasteland of the Mad Max video game — as is evident by what appears to be his charred corpse.

This is a fun little Easter egg (via IGN) that players have found while exploring the vast expanse of Avalanche's latest open world title. To find it, drive out to Grit Canyons in Gutgash's territory. Head northeast of the southern camp. No too far from the convoy, near a cliff, you'll find crates and a corpse.

Look closely and you'll see that the corpse is wearing glasses not so different from the ones Gordon wears in Half-Life. Look at the crates and you'll find the corpse's severed arm, still firmly clutching a crowbar. Painted on one of the crates is an orange "3."

Crowbar. Glasses. Number "3." Orange. Crates!? Avalanche isn't leaving much to interpretation with this particular Easter egg, but it is still fun nonetheless. Dying Light also had a (much less obvious) Half-Life 3 Easter egg that is worth checking out.

Is this becoming a trend? Perhaps if enough developers sneak in some Half-Life references into their games, Valve will get the memo and release the long-awaited and maybe not even real Half-Life 3? Maybe? Please? We are all begging you.

Oh well. These Easter eggs will just have to hold us over. At least there is no shortage of great games coming out this year. With Star Wars Battlefront, Fallout 4 and so much more on the horizon, you'll likely forget all about Half-Life 3. For a few days, at least.

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