How To Survive In 'Until Dawn'

Chances are that if you've played Until Dawn, you've made a choice that resulted in at least one character dying. More than likely, you've lost multiple characters, thanks to decisions that sent them down the rabbit hole never to return.

So how can you survive the horror movie tale that Until Dawn offers?

Here are a few tips on the best ways to keep your characters alive (unless, of course, you don't want to, because you like the idea of seeing whiny young people getting beheaded).

Don't investigate weird noises, voices or places.

This is not a game where you want to explore areas when there are weird noises or the voice of your dead friend. In fact, the best tactic you can take in Until Dawn is to walk away from those noises and voices and not investigate them at all. Although most video games encourage wandering around and exploration, this is one game where it rarely pays off.

So don't get off the path, don't go try and save your friend in another room and whatever you do, don't open that door.

Shoot those weird creatures.

When supernatural creatures are coming at you, and you have a shotgun or gun of some sort, always shoot them. This slows them down and keeps them away from you and your friends and allows you a better chance to escape. However, you have to aim and get that shot in quickly because otherwise, you're mincemeat.

Know when to run and when to hide.

You'll often get the choice to run away or to hide. This means that while you're attempting escape from something dastardly, you need to become aware of your surroundings. Running can often trap you in an area where there is no escape, so hiding is often your best bet.

When the game says "don't move," please listen.

One of the things you'll come across in Until Dawn is creatures that can't see you if you're not moving. This means that you, the player, can't move a muscle: if you even flinch with the controller in your hand in the slightest, your character is toast. So when you see "don't move," freeze and hold that position until the game alerts you that it's safe to continue.

Know when to save your friends and when to save yourself.

Sometimes in the game, you're given the option of saving yourself or saving your friends. However, if you choose to save your friends, you might end up dying yourself, getting you both killed. Understand each characters' traits, because some of those characters are perfectly capable of saving themselves. Leave those to their own devices while you run away to a safe distance.

Uncover all clues.

Although you're not encouraged to wander around in the game, you still need to look for clues that let your characters in on what's going on. This is even more important towards the end of the game because one character's life depends on it. If the appropriate clue is missed, that character is as good as dead.

Don't kill animals.

Although you're occasionally given the option to shoot or kill animals standing in the way of your escape, don't. Those animals just might help you later in the game.

Don't tell the psychologist your fears.

Probably the scariest creature in the game is the psychologist that talks to you between chapters. Although he encourages you to come clean about your fears, forget honesty: lie because he will use those fears against you. It probably doesn't affect your survival in the game, but it might just protect your sanity.

Until Dawn is available now for the PlayStation 4.

Photo: Supermassive Games

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