The Complete 'Metal Gear Solid' Timeline: The MSX Original Through 'Guns Of The Patriots'

Last time, we took a look at the first half of the Metal Gear timeline: namely, the games featuring Big Boss as the main hero. While it was certainly a lot to go over, it's only the first half of the saga - this time, we're looking at the franchise's main hero, Solid Snake!

There's quite a bit of material to cover: Solid Snake was the hero of the franchise from the Japanese MSX original all the way through Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. It's also where the series' story gets a bit more convoluted, so if you need a refresher, check out the first half of the timeline first.

And, as always, we're covering the entire stories of each game - basically, if you haven't already played through them, SPOILERS AHEAD!

So, without any further adieu, here's the second half of the Metal Gear timeline:

Pre-Metal Gear

As you can see, the Metal Gear timeline is one of the strangest, most convoluted stories in all of gaming - and that's precisely why so many people love it.

If you're still a little confused as to who all these different Snakes are, check out our Beginner's Guide to Metal Gear's characters. Otherwise, the only thing left to do is wait for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain to launch on Sept. 1!

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