New Windows 10 Problem And Issue Fixes Arrive Along With Automatic Update Disable Feature

Microsoft officially released a set of new Windows 10 updates. The updates are designed to address problems and issues being experienced by users who have upgraded their device to the new operating system, as well as allowing users to turn off automatic updates for Windows Store apps.

We've been reporting on the various problems and issues that users have been experiencing in their attempts to upgrade to Microsoft's new operating system Windows 10, as well as after doing so. Among the most prevalent issues were inability to upgrade, inability to access the start menu, screen flickering and flashing, touchpad issues, lags, and page freezes.

Microsoft just pushed out two automatic updates, which ostensibly address some or all of these problems. We say ostensibly because Microsoft has adopted a new policy, much to the frustration of users, of not specifically identifying the nature of each update.

One of the updates, the Compatibility Update for Upgrading to Windows 10 update "makes improvements to ease the upgrade experience to Windows 10", according to Microsoft's website. What exactly those improvements are unclear due to the new policy, but it should address some of the problems users have experienced with their ability to upgrade to Windows 10 in the first place.

The Cumulative Update for Windows 10 looks like it is aimed at those who have already managed to complete the upgrade, but are having issues with the operating system itself. Microsoft vaguely claims the update is designed to "enhance functionality."

Users who have already installed this update also report the addition of a key function. After installing the update, users are presented with the option of turning off automatic updates on apps in the Windows store. Prior to the update, the toggle for turning off the app was present on the screen, but not functioning and many users believed it represented a similar stance to Microsoft's newly implemented policy on installation of Windows 10 OS updates, in which updates are forced upon users with no opt-out ability. That policy still remains in place, much to the frustration of some users who would prefer to have more control over which updates are installed and when.

Have you noticed any changes since receiving the latest Windows 10 automatic updates? Are you still experiencing problems and issues with Windows 10, or has your situation improved? How do you feel about the new policy of mandatory automatic updates? Please let us know in the comments below.

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