The Complete 'Metal Gear Solid' Timeline: 'Snake Eater' Through 'The Phantom Pain'

Regardless of any personal opinion, there's no denying that Metal Gear is known for its story. It's a tale of international espionage that spans half a century, and while many fans love that aspect of the series, it's not always easy to keep everything in order.

That's what this timeline is for: with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain just weeks away from launch, it's more important than ever to know why Big Boss is on such a brutal quest for revenge. As such, here's every major event in the Metal Gear timeline, presented in chronological order. Obviously, there are MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD.

One quick note: due to its questionable stance in the overall Metal Gear canon, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops has been ignored for the sake of this list. Don't worry, nothing really happened in that game anyway.

So, without further adieu, here is the complete Metal Gear Saga timeline, starting with the Big Boss games:

Pre-Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

• As his helicopter reaches Mother Base, Snake discovers that the U.N. inspection was a ruse. While Snake manages to rescue Miller and a few select soldiers, most die when the base collapses into the ocean.

• Paz wakes up, then reveals the second bomb still inside her. She leaps from the helicopter just before it explodes, sending Snake, Miller and Chico careening into a second helicopter.

Late March 1975:
• Miller and Snake manage to survive the crash, but are both seriously injured. Miller is hospitalized, and Snake falls into a coma.

Pre-Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

• The Les Enfants Terribles project is abandoned.

Dec. 27, 1979:
• Ocelot participates in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

• Snake awakens from his coma, and vows to take revenge on Zero and the Patriots.

As you can see, there's a lot to the history of Metal Gear – and that's just the first half of the timeline! Check out the second half right here.

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