VirusTotal Uploader online malware tool for OS X now will keep your Mac secure

A new tool is available for Mac users that Windows users have already been familiar with for quite some time and it is called the VirusTotal Uploader. This utility will allow users to submit files into an online database from VirtusTotal that checks whether the files are infected with malware or viruses of any sort.

The Mac tool is available for download for anyone who uses OS X 10.8 or 10.9. It is very simple to run as users only have to rick click a file and then select the option from the context menu related to what they want to upload and scan. The following features are included in the OS X release:

  • Drag and drop a file to the VirusTotal Uploader in order to scan it with over 50 antivirus solutions.

  • Drag and drop a folder to the VirusTotal Uploader and schedule the analysis of its content.

  • Drag and drop a Mac application to the VirusTotal Uploader.

  • Allow you to "Open With" in finder the VirusTotal Uploader to scan a file.

VirusTotal started out as an independent company focusing on Windows malware protection, but Google acquired the company in September, 2012. It is interesting to see a Google product get Mac support like this with Google and Apple being rivals in many ways - from Android and iOS to Google Maps and Apple's Maps.

"Hopefully this will lead to VirusTotal receiving more Mac applications, diving deeper into an increasingly targeted OS by attackers and allowing antivirus companies and researchers making use of VirusTotal's backend to build stronger defenses against these threats," the company says on its blog.

VirusTotal works with more than 50 PC security vendors and what makes it stand out is that it allows users to test their systems and files they think may be infected without having to purchase or download various anti-virus applications or software. It saves time, energy and money although PC users (Mac users these days as well) should be advised to use various layers of security.

Download the Mac VirusTotal tool here. Another option is to use the Web-based online file uploaded here. This Web-based utility will let users even submit URL addresses to see if the websites are plagued with any sort of malware.

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