Saent's Real-Life Mute Button Promises To Block Out Distractions

There isn't exactly a shortage of tools -- hardware or software -- that promise to free you from the distractions involved with sitting at a computer all day, but the Saent button from the company of the same name looks to do a fair bit to distinguish itself from the usual options.

It's core functionality is decidedly simple. Once you pair it with your computer via Bluetooth, you simply press the button to start a pre-defined session of focused work, which blocks out any apps, websites or notifications of your choosing for a set period. If you try to switch to one of those apps, you'll be faced with a reminder to get back to work.

Perhaps as way to convince people to put another device on their desks, though, Saent's also chosen to turn the button into an input device. It won't replace your mouse, but you can set a double tap to open a specific app, for instance, or use different swipes to control basic tasks. And, when you're away from your computer, it can also be used as a simple timer.

Naturally, Saent's corresponding app also tracks your use of the button, which the company says will let you compare your productivity with friends and co-workers (it comes at an added cost after the first year). While the Indiegogo campaign for the device is still underway, Saent says that "everything is ready for mass production," and promises to ship the device this November. They run $39 apiece, with discounts available if you're buying more than one.

[via Fast Company]

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