SDCC: New Pictures Of Batman, Wonder Woman, And Superman

San Diego Comic-Con is off and already several images of the Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman costumes have been posted on the Internet. So far, we are extremely pleased with what we have seen, especially with the Bat-Armor.

Superman's costume is everything we have expected it to be. Nothing surprising, just Superman and that's it. When it comes down to Wonder Woman, we get to see more of the Lasso of Truth and her Shield. Both look awesome, not to mention the sword situated on he back.

Some folks are not pleased with the short skirt, but we see no issue with it. If she's going to fight, then we figure more or less, she will have to wear something that allows her legs to stretch freely. A shorts or pants would definitely keep Wonder Woman from fighting effectively.

Right now it boils down to what Gal Gadot can do with the character. Everything looks fine so far, but we are not sure if the actress can pull it off seeing as we have never seen her in a big role before.

Let's talk about the Batman

The new images of the Bat-suit look great as expected. We've seen it in-depth before, so nothing surprises us here. However, the Bat-Armor is what we really wanted to see more of and boy; it looks splendid.

The armor seems to have been designed using Kryptonian metal. It is probably the only metal that can withstand a punch from Superman as evident in Man of Steel. The images also showed what it is like under cowl. We see what makes the glowing eyes tick, which makes us wonder if Batman will use this technology with the regular suit as well.

We hope the lenses work as detective mode in the Arkham video games.

In addition to the lenses inside the cowl, we saw something that makes us believe it will be used as a voice modulator. Watch the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer again and listen to Batman's voice. That is not natural at all, and sounds quite modulated.

Outside of the armor, Warner Bros. is showing off some of the gadgets fans can expect Batman to use in the movie. There's a smoke grenade, two weird looking guns, and as usual, batarangs. These won't hurt Superman, but could undoubtedly aid the Bat in taking down normal criminals.

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