Watch Brock Lesnar Destroy A Brand New Cadillac Sedan

Brock Lesnar already has a ton of pent-up aggression. The last thing he needed was a brand new Cadillac sedan to let loose on. Too bad for WWE world heavyweight champion Seth Rollins...that's exactly what Brock had at his disposal on Monday Night Raw (July 6).

The Beast sent an expensive message to Rollins, totaling J&J Security's brand new Cadillac sedan. The author of "Suplex City" destroyed the vechile by swinging axes through its exterior, windows, tires and bumper.

The way Lesnar destroyed the Caddy was surgical, driving an axe through the driver's door, before shattering the glass on one of the back doors and the back windshiled. After admiring his work for a few seconds, Brock swung for the fences destroying the driver's side window and hacking away at the vehicle's hood.

Perhaps the best part about Brock turning Monday Night Raw into a scrap metal yard junk pile was the Beast tearing one of the back doors right off the sedan.

The damage done to the $55,000 sedan was easily thousands of dollars, but the shocked reactions that Rollins and his J&J Security returned were absolutely priceless. The sequence ended with Brock throwing one half of J&J nearly through the windshield, before running Rollins right out of the arena.

This was all in preparation for Lesnar and Rollins squaring off at the upcoming WWE Battleground pay-per-view on July 19 in St. Louis.

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