OnePlus Cardboard Headset Shares Google's Vision for VR: Here's Why It Sold Out

OnePlus is onboard with Google's Cardboard idea and is willing to give the low-cost VR accessories away for free, though it's not willing to pay for shipping.

Alright, a bit of back story first. Cardboard is both a product and an idea, though more so the latter. That idea is that every modern smartphone is capable of delivering VR experiences, using their native display and mobile processors.

Google's novel Cardboard idea entails the construction of cardboard goggles, in which just about any smartphone can be slotted. Google revealed more pieces to its VR puzzle during its developer conference back in May. Now, OnePlus is following the search engine company's lead and is offering its own Cardboard product, but don't call it a product.

"This is not a product—it's an initiative," said OnePlus. "We aren't making any money by offering OnePlus Cardboard. In fact, we are losing money with each one. There will come a day in which we will be able to travel the world and experience amazing things without ever leaving the comfort of our homes. OnePlus Cardboard exists to drive this idea forward."

The initiative has, however, "sold out" as of the moment.

Since Google introduced the Cardboard idea last year, the company has been encouraging third-parties to iterate on the cardboard accessory's design and OnePlus is doing just that.

Google issued a new set of best practices for Cardboard build, during its I/O 2015 developers conference and OnePlus has enhanced that design to make it slimmer and more durable.

OnePlus' Cardboard is composed of a thicker material than its rivals' and it's also about 20 percent more compact, the company says.

"Every inch of OnePlus Cardboard has been coated with a special film that repels dirt and oils, creating a premium feel that lasts," OnePlus said. "Avoid the dreaded 'forehead stain.' You've never seen cardboard quite like this."

Along with introducing the next generation of Cardboard during I/O 2015, Google also showcased its Jump VR platform and the company's vision for VR finally became discernible. Jump VR will leverage 360-degree camera arrays that empower creators to produce VR content for Google's YouTube.

While it shunned Google's Android and created its own mobile OS-based version of the platform, OnePlus apparently shares the search engine company's VR dream.

"VR is going to change the world, and we want to help make it happen," said OnePlus.

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