First Trailer For 'Snowden' Sets An Ominous Tone

Edward Snowden: whistle-blowing traitor or hero of truth and freedom?

However you feel about Mr. Snowden's actions regarding government surveillance and secrets, this trailer isn't likely to change your mind. It may, however, re-spark public interest in the issue once more.

And seriously — if you've got a controversial, hot-topic, public-interest biopic, is there anyone more likely to direct it than Oliver Stone?

This is the man, after all, who gave us JFK, Platoon, Born On the Fourth of July, The Doors, Natural Born Killers, World Trade Center, W. and more. Clearly, Stone thrives on topics that stir up strong feelings and opinions among his viewers.

The increasingly versatile Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as Edward Snowden, joined by an all-star supporting cast that includes Shailene Woodley, Melissa Leo, Nicolas Cage, Tom Wilkinson, Timothy Olyphant, Zachary Quinto and many more.

The film traces Snowden's life, including his meteoric rise in government service that went from the Army to the CIA to the NSA in just six years.

This first trailer contains no footage from the movie, but it does a good job of setting the tone.

It's probably too early to say, but based on this trailer, we think Stone is probably leaning more toward "hero" than "traitor." Would you agree?

Then again, if it were clear-cut either way, it probably wouldn't be that interesting of a movie.

Snowden will be in theaters on Christmas Day, 2015.

h/t Collider

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