Bottle caps! They're the currency of the future, or at least the currency of Fallout's apocalyptic one. If you have enough bottle caps in the nuclear wasteland, you can get your hands on nearly anything.
Including a new copy of Fallout 4, it seems. One clever fan and bottle cap collector decided that now was the time to finally cash in his "life savings" of bottle caps — and where better to send them than the offices of Fallout developer Bethesda?
Going by the name GatorMacheteJr on Imgur, the fan documented the entire process on the image-sharing site. First, he boxed up all 2,240 bottle caps, which he collected over the seven years since Fallout 3. The box weighed more than 11 pounds, and probably cost a pretty penny to ship all the way to Bethesda's office in Maryland.
He also attached a note, politely asking for the developer to pre-order him a PC copy of Fallout 4.
"I only saw prices listed in pre-war dollars, and I wasn't exactly sure what the exchange rate is these days, so I went ahead and sent everything I've been able to save since I played Fallout 3 for the first time," he wrote.
One box that smelled of stale beer later, and GatorMacheteJr's mission was accomplished: he's getting a copy of Fallout 4 straight from Bethesda.
He received an email from Matt Grandstaff at Bethesda, who told GatorMacheteJr that since he was the first person to attempt this, Bethesda would honor his request — right after he deposited all the bottle caps at the People's Bank of Point Lookout. Matt's office will probably smell like beer forever.
Yes, my office smells like beer #Fallout4
— Matt Grandstaff (@gstaffinfection) June 24, 2015
Just goes to show — anything is possible when you drink copious amounts of alcohol and refuse to throw away the trash. Don't expect this trick to work a second time, though. If you want a free copy of Fallout 4 from Bethesda, you are going to have to get a little more creative. Who knows, maybe you'll even snag one of the coveted Pip-Boy Editions.
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